
Special Edition 

Black, Indigenous, & People of Color Mental Health Week 

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Kicking off Black, Indigenous, & People of Color (BIPOC) Mental Health Week with a special edition newsletter with events, toolkits, and more! 

Event Spotlight 

Join Movember for BIPOC Mental Health Week

Movember, the global men’s health charity, is hosting a week of discussions with notable guests about the unique challenges Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities face regarding mental health and well-being.

Movember is uniquely positioned with a focus area on men’s mental health and suicide prevention to host this dialogue focusing on black, indigenous, and men of color as they fund the Making Connections initiative that supports community-based prevention sites across the country.

Please join Movember on their Facebook page for these important discussions. Now, more than ever, it’s time to come together to change the face of men’s health. 

Mental Health Resources 

Mental Health America 
BIPOC & LGBTQ+ Toolkit 

Mental Health America provides an infographic built from MHA screening data on BIPOC and LGBTQ+ mental health and a racial trauma factsheet covering the impact on trauma and distress in underserved communities. 
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Making the Connection  

Black Lives Matter and Mental Health 

The Black community roughly constitute 12% of the U.S. population, but are over-represented in high-risk populations including homelessness, prison, and foster care, increasing the chances of developing mental health challenges. Living Well With Schizophrenia explores the connection between the Black Lives Matter movement & Mental Health

In the Media 

Stigma of Mental Health for African Americans 

“In my Black community, therapy was stigmatized as something for people who could not handle challenges.” Dana Givens, editor at Black Enterprise, explores sources of mental health stigma in the African-American community.
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In the Media 

Rising Levels of Anxiety & Depression in Pandemic

The collateral damage from the pandemic continues: Young adults, as well as Black and Latino people of all ages, describe rising levels of anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts, and increased substance abuse, according to findings reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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Use #WellBeings on social media posts to contribute your story, messages of encouragement, and favorite mental health resources to Well Beings Community Story Wall.

Support provided by Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., Kaiser Permanente, Bank of America, American Psychiatric Association Foundation, One Mind, Movember, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Dana Foundation, Dauten Family Foundation, The Hersh Foundation, Mental Health Services Oversight & Accountability Commission, John & Frances Von Schlegell, Sutter Health, Robina Riccitiello, and Jackson Family Enterprises.

Partners include American Public Media’s Call to Mind, PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs, Forbes, People, Mental Health America, and The Steve Fund.
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