Dear Reader,
Welcome to Book Club!
You are welcome to choose when and where to participate (online or in person or both). The books are intended to represent a range of spiritual approaches and are generally chosen by the participants with a view to availability and the feasibility of being read in the time planned although it is not essential to finish the book and other resources on the subject can be used such as YouTube if it helps. The list is planned in advance and available on the LJC website so books can be found in plenty of time.
The Book Club has been going for several years and people come and go depending on their commitments and whether the book appeals but of course that’s ok! It’s not a study seminar or a competition and not all of us finish the book so there can be plot spoilers! I suggest reading around and using YouTube if that appeals. It is as much a discussion of how the book has interested us or relates to our own experiences. Suggestions of other related sources and suggestions for next year’s book list are always welcome. This is a book club for all who are interested in widening awareness of spirituality, theology economic and social justice in our Christian lives by reading a wide range of novels, biographies, accounts of personal spiritual journey and guidance.
The first meeting in the month is on the second Wednesday at the London Jesuit Centre at 6.30pm. The second meeting is on the fourth Wednesday of the month on Zoom at 6.30pm.
Looking forward to meeting you.
Best wishes,
LJC Team