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A Publication of Christ Episcopal Church
September 3, 2020
Christ Episcopal Church
Seattle, WA
4548 Brooklyn Ave NE 98105
(206) 633-1611
All in-person operations are suspended at Christ Church until further notice during the outbreak of Covid-19 in order to keep the community healthy, including Sunday services.
This (Digital) Week at Christ Church
Please continue to email your selfies and photos for the directory! The form to fill out can be found here - it helps profoundly when Cara toggles it on!

Sunday, September 6
10am - Morning Prayer, coffee hour following

Tuesday, September 8
12pm - Podcast Discussion: Seeing White 

Thursday, September 10
6:30pm - Book Discussion: The African American and Latinx History of the United States 
Letter from the Rector
Hello friends,

This has been a big and happy week.  The staff is working on lots of plans for the fall, including ways to see each other, and working hard on any possible way to celebrate and have Communion - with ideas in there about blessed and mailed treats for St. Francis Day. 

There will be more communication coming about this soon, but we are diligently and faithfully and hopefully looking at phased re-opening, taking into consideration everything we possibly can.  Keep an eye out. 

I was happy to be in church on Sunday and to visit the Alfeos afterward.  It was very difficult not to grab that delicious chunk of a baby, but deeply nourishing to see them.  Tuesday was a long haul of a day, with Moses's four-year-checkup in the morning (very petite person but very healthy!), and then podcast group, stewardship meeting with our capital campaign consultant, and a meeting with the land use lawyers about the messiness of both possible environmental contamination from Carson's Cleaners and public comment on the development south of us.  Wednesday was 9 hours of 6 Zoom meetings in a row, including staff and some great Campus Min conversations, and social hour.  Thursday has been the bishop's call, budget conversation and meeting some discretionary needs before class prep and book group. 

I'm really excited about the fall and can't wait to tell you all about it soon!
Regathering Committee - Currently we are discussion details and an estimate for the installation of the HVAC System with one engineering company. Before Christ Church can safely be open for services the air flow in the church must be current to protect against Covid-19. We are continuing to discuss protocols for reopening including appropriate cleaning and sanitizing and other relevant details for safe reentry to CEC.

Christ Church acknowledges that we gather on the land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish people, who are a people still living.

Christ Church discretionary money has gone and will continue to go to pay rent to the Duwamish, to acknowledge that our institution participated in the removal of ancestral owners of this land, and to begin to make material repair to those who have been harmed.

Christ Church encourages individual worshippers to likewise offer this form of confession and sacred amends at All funds go directly to Duwamish Tribal Services (DTS) to support the revival of Duwamish culture and the vitality of the Duwamish Tribe.

Street Chaplaincy needs you!  The Street Chaplaincy wagon has been faithfully making the rounds through the U District on Sunday afternoons, even through the days of COVID lockdowns.  We've simplified the process down to handing out a pre-packed bag, plus a choice of underwear size and candy preference, to minimize the amount of close contact needed, and volunteers are supplied with masks, gloves and hand sanitizer to keep themselves safe.  So far, the process has been going smoothly.
We've kept it going with 4 volunteers, alternating weeks in two groups of 2, but we could use some reinforcements, particularly after some recent schedule changes squeezing Sunday hours for 2 of our volunteers.
There are two ways to help: 1) we could use folks to walk with the wagon on Sundays, or, 2) to pre-pack the bags sometime during the week.  We're happy to train first-time volunteers as well. If you would feel comfortable participating in this vital ministry, please contact Wes Ono ( to be added to the mailing list. 
Little Free Pantry - Help Us Provide for our Neighbors
The Little Free Pantry is up and running. This is a project of the UW Campus Ministry based here at Christ Church.  Alan Wheaton, Phil Hodgins, and John Anderson have been instrumental in getting it built and installed, and in keeping it stocked. The Pantry is a way for Christ Church and our neighbors to provide non-perishable food, hygiene and paper items to our community. Christ Church has been stocking it daily and people in the neighborhood are also adding to the pantry fairly regularly.  The pantry gets emptied on most days so we know it is reaching people who need these items.
Even though Christ Church remains closed, the Little Free Pantry offers a way for the parish to continue our outreach to the neighborhood. If you are in the area, you can drive by after a grocery trip and add something to the pantry (it's in the garden on the west side of the church). Food donations must be non-perishable and can be items that can be eaten as is or that can be taken home to prepare. Donations to help us purchase items to add to the pantry are also welcome.

Click here for ways to donate. Be sure to indicate that your donation is for the Little Free Pantry.
Pat Hyland has paperback copies of all four books in The Dalai Lama's Cat series available for loan. They're a fun read, especially for cat people! Email Pat if you're interested.
Joys of the Week
Joys of the Week is meant as a medium to keep connected with each other during the Covid-19 outbreak, when we cannot share fellowship with each other in person. No joy is too small! If you have a joy you would like to share, please email a photo or a story to Cara at
Hello everyone, 

Here is Mr. Bubbles modeling in no uncertain terms my own surprise that it is September already. As Shelly mentioned above, the staff have a few ideas for the fall in the works - and thank you for your selfies!

In love and service,
From this past Sunday's outdoor liturgy - photo courtesy of John Anderson.
Staff at Christ Church
The Rev. Shelly Fayette, Rector                         
The Rev. Carla Robinson, Associate Priest    
The Rev. Chris McPeak, Curate                        
Henry Lebedinsky, Music Director and Organist
Cara Peterson, Parish Administrator                   
Heidi Hansen, Director of Children and Youth       

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