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Vol. 6, Issue 19

Finding Science and Society in Student Groups

Columbia Activities Fair, 2017. Image from Columbia University Undergraduate Admissions

With the third week of classes nearing an end, Columbia University students are settling into a new semester and might be looking to expand their social and academic horizons. One of the best ways to do so is through the hundreds of Columbia and Barnard clubs open to undergraduates.

The Center for Science and Society put together a list of some organizations at the University that combine scientific knowledge with societal understanding to create interdisciplinary and accessible communities. Each club provided a description of their work along with an answer to the question “How does your club combine science and society related studies or actions?” Explore for yourself on our website

Featured Events:

Our online calendar of events includes virtual events.

Data Humanities

September 29 | 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM ET

Join CSS Steering Committee Member Matthew Jones and Chris Wiggins as they share how their course W2901: Data: Past, Present, Future makes sense of ourselves and our world, through data-driven, critical data literacy and ethical philosophy. Free and open to the public; RSVP required. 

Reserve Your Seat

Black Maternal Health: Historical And Reproductive Justice Reckonings

October 1 | 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM ET

This event looks at the profound health inequities around giving birth, further laid bare by the COVID pandemic. Topics will span from the interesction of slavery and the history of reproductive medicine to recent efforts to address racial inequities in maternal mortality and morbidity. Free and open to the public; RSVP required. 

Reserve Your Seat

Featured Deadline: 

For a complete listing of upcoming deadlines, please visit our website.

Center & Institute Initiative to Enhance Remote Learning and Teaching, Columbia University

Rolling Deadline. With a challenging academic year ahead, a consortium of Centers and Institutes will offer funding for proposals that cultivate student engagement and enhance the online learning experience for Columbia students and instructors. Open to Columbia/Barnard faculty, instructors, and students. 

Just Tech Covid-19 Rapid-Response Grants, Social Science Research Council

Due September 30, 2020. These grants support innovative research projects that shed light on both the short- and potential long-term implications of public health interventions for a range of rights, liberties, and public goods. Applicants may be from any institution but must hold a PhD in a social science discipline.

Submit Your Events and Deadlines

The Science and Society Newsletter is sent biweekly and features updates from the Center and featured upcoming events and deadlines. While we can not guarantee that your event will be featured, we are always happy to include relevant upcoming events, grant deadlines, calls for papers, open positions, etc on our website. Please email us at with any submissions. 

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