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Expressway News

September 23, 2020


The Mobility Authority closely monitors our facilities for both reactive and routine maintenance needs. Routine maintenance is critical to preserving the strength, quality, long-term performance, and most importantly, safety of our roadways.

Through November 2020, the Mobility Authority will be performing maintenance work on 183A Toll, MoPac Express Lane, and 45SW Toll to replace and add road striping, delineator posts, and roadside and overhead signs.

Drivers on northbound MoPac should be advised that additional delineator posts will be installed just south of Parmer Lane to modify the break that currently exists. This break allows vehicles to exit the Express Lane, merge into the general-purpose lanes, and exit MoPac at the Parmer Lane exit. Unfortunately, we’ve observed unlawful and dangerous “lane divers” illegally crossing over into the Express Lane from the general-purpose lanes at this location. The planned modifications will prevent illegal lane diving, while still allowing Express Lane drivers to exit at Parmer Lane.  This will improve safety and reduce accidents along the roadway.

In addition, a permanent sign honoring Ray A. Wilkerson, former Chairman of the Mobility Authority’s Board of Directors, will be placed along 183A Toll. Appointed by the governor in 2009, Ray served as our chairman for 10 years, dedicating his time and expertise to enhancing mobility across Central Texas. The sign will be visible to motorists traveling northbound along 183A Toll after they pass Whitestone Boulevard/RM 1431.

Necessary lane closures have been scheduled to be as minimally disruptive to the traveling public as possible. These closures will be short-term and take place during off-peak hours.

Follow @RMATIMCenter on Twitter for real-time closure information and updates.



This month the Mobility Authority participated in the International Bridge, Tunnel & Turnpike Association’s (IBTTA) 2020 annual conference. Each year, transportation agencies across the world come together to exchange ideas, share new innovations, and best practices to address the critical infrastructure challenges of the 21st Century.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, not only was this year’s conference held virtually but the coronavirus became an overarching theme for seminar discussions. The coronavirus certainly disrupted travel and work patterns but has also impacted how agencies are communicating with their communities. The importance of technology and collaboration between agencies, the private sector, and the traveling public has become all the more important.
The Mobility Authority and IBTTA

As a member of IBTTA’s Task Force on Diversity, Social, and Racial Inclusion, Dee Anne Heath, our Director of Government Relations and Communications, gave a presentation on the ways the tolling industry is working to attract, support, and eliminate obstacles for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). Dee Anne reported on a recent success story to come from the Mobility Authority and its new working partnership with AceApplications, LLC.

Steve Pustelnyk, our Director of Community Relations, presented on some of the key features and concepts of “Connected Communities,” which refers to both the physical and digital connection of residents through the lens of tolling and emerging mobility technology. The field of Connected Communities has grown rapidly in the last decade and continues to develop in terms of dimension and complexity. Steve discussed how the Mobility Authority has remained an early adopter of Connected Communities advancements, most recently partnering with Waycare Technologies, Inc. to implement advanced transportation and incident management/prediction system and with Kapsch TrafficCom USA and Ford Motor Company to test next generation Cellular Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X) connected vehicle technology.

The Mobility Authority’s 45SW Toll Road has been praised as an exemplary project on multiple levels, having received industry awards for roadway construction, environmental stewardship, and technological innovation. From Wrong-Way Driving detection technology to augmented reality, the 45SW Toll Road is an example of the Mobility Authority’s commitment to developing innovative transportation solutions. For this year’s conference, the Mobility Authority offered a virtual tour of the roadway and what makes it so special. 

View the tour below:
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!



As the agency responsible for delivering mobility solutions that enhance our region’s quality of life and economic vitality, the Mobility Authority is attempting to predict what our post-coronavirus world may look like through diligent research, data review, and community surveying.

Last month, we conducted what will be the first of many online surveys to evaluate community perceptions about the future of travel after COVID-19. More than 900 Texans participated in the survey with roughly 99 percent either living and/or working in the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (CAMPO) counties. The majority of participants reside in Travis County (72%), Williamson County (16%), and Hays County (5%). 

All analysis was performed based on the data from respondents who live or work in CAMPO counties.
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