
Let me start off by saying...

I'm reconsidering what the end of this year will mean for me.

What does Fall mean?

Autumn is usually my favorite time of year. I’ve never been one for the sweaty-upper lip look, and the everlasting days of Summer are a source of anxiety for me. I find it disorienting when it's still light out at 8pm - especially as someone who likes to be in bed by 9:30pm, and the Subway in July is enough to make me consider stripping down to my skivvies in public. Fall has always brought a sense of relief and excitement. 

The crisp air, sense of new beginnings, the sun lining up with my preferred evening routine - I really thrive this time of year. October through December is the time for my favorite outfits, and a renewed sense of excitement about moving my body, cooking, and spending quality time with old friends and family during the holidays.

Of course, this year is drastically different. The cooling air makes me think of the winter to come, the flu season that will soon descend upon the Northeast, the gross negligence on the part of our administration during a global pandemic, and the upcoming election (are you registered to vote?!).

I'm not sure what will happen to my outdoor exercise routine, or what will happen to my favorite bars and restaurants when outdoor dining shuts down. I’m unsure of what the holidays will look like this year, nervous about spending time with those most vulnerable in my life, but even more anxious about what NOT spending time with them right now will do to my psyche. There are no right answers, no big book of solutions that will make my favorite time of year feel...normal.

One thing that 2020 has taught me is that the absence of normal creates opportunity for something special. Without tradition and ‘how we always do it’ to fall back on, what can we create in this new time? How can we honor those in our lives who need support, or unique care, and consider their needs first, instead of last? What can we build that prioritizes the collective over the individual?

I’m reconsidering what this Fall will look like for me and my traditions, what areas of my life could use a regrounding in community, and how I can touch lives I may not be able to physically interact with. 

Much like every other year, the possibility of new beginnings continues to inspire me.

Q: How will you use this Fall?

Links I loved this week

— 1 — 

Anti-diet dietitians
White dietitians have coopted the body positivity movement for their own benefit

— 2 —

Everything R. Eric Thomas writes...
But especially his weekly reviews of Lovecraft Country

— 3 —

COVID has transformed us all into Lawn Dads
Lean into your domestic instincts, y'all


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