
Curiosity-Colored Glasses

Looking at life’s little mysteries through the same lens that killed the cat, and living to tell the tale.

Thanks for subscribing to find out about new Curiosity-Colored Glasses blog posts! I began this blog as a way to answer all sorts of questions I find myself asking as I make my way through our fascinating yet mystifying world. Here’s hoping my learnings both satisfy and spark your curiosity as much as they have mine! —Lia

Curiosity-Colored Glasses’ debut post explores all that goes into quantifying the heights of mountains on Earth, Mars, and even on asteroids!

How are Martian mountains measured?

On maps, a mountain’s height is always shown solely as its peak’s elevation above sea level. This seems like a bit of a cop-out to me: is the mountain itself really that tall? Or is it just standing on the shoulders of a very tall plateau, so to speak? Then again, determining the base from which to measure any mountain seems like quite the slippery slope once you get down to it, so I do understand and sympathize with the sea level approach adopted by us Earthlings. But what about pinnacle-peppered planets and oceanless asteroids — (how) do we measure their mountains?

Read all about it!
Be sure to check out the glossary at the end of the post; whenever I learned a new concept over the course of investigating this topic, I documented it with a definition and sometimes even an illustration. Image shown: the visual depiction for geopotential.
I discovered so many interesting details while researching this story that didn’t quite make it into the final draft, and I’ve learned as much about writing as I have about Martian geology. Follow along on Instagram and Twitter to see some of my behind-the-scenes process.
Curiosity-Colored Glasses has a library honoring some of the books, podcasts, and even art supplies that inspire me most. (Special shoutout to my miniature, Vienna-sausage-sized highlighters; I couldn’t have created this blog without the OCD-driven need for color-coding they enabled!)
The blog's Question Queue is where I’ve listed the most compelling conundrums awaiting my investigation, and I’m eager to hear which you think I should pursue next! Tweet @CuriosityColor with your thoughts.

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