Change of Seasons
Change of seasons

Living with the seasons can be a challenge for getting outside and getting your daily exercise on your Alinker. Some days are too hot, others are too cold or wet to go out. Add to that the effects of a pandemic, right? 

So let's get creative. How to stay active and keep moving? 

1 - Make sure you have an Alinker - current shipping 6-8 weeks WORLDWIDE special offer - you order your Alinker before the end of the year, we give you a FREE 6-month Alinker Academy membership

2 - Join the Alinker Academy - more than 20 hours online classes, specifically developed for Alinker users. Exercises, yoga, dance, strengthen and stretching practices, and much more. 

3 - The Alinker on a treadmill?? yes!  - SEE FURTHER DOWN

4 - The Alinker as a standing desk ?? Activate your brain while working!  Do some yoga or stretching while you're at it. 

5 - Warning, only for the hardcore dedicated people! - Alinker greased up to engage in the snow. Put grease on your front axles and go! Visit Wheelblades and see what is possible. Note: it is a lot of work, but ploughing through snow might just be what gets your blood flowing.  In the past winters here in Canada people have used Alinkers to get out. On slippery icy streets, an Alinker is a lot safer, just get some spikes under your boots to have grip! 


it takes work, but it pays off


Visit this! Until you do, you have no idea what you are missing! 

Everybody who purchased their Alinker during the month of August received from us a code for a 6-month FREE membership to the Alinker Academy   We have now extended this SPECIAL OFFER till the end of 2020. Once you receive your Alinker and get all settled on it, go online and take advantage of this amazing online community. 

Andrew shares with you the benefits of joining and staying active. 
Some things to pay attention to: 

BE presents "ACCESS" at the Dutch Days and Pecha Kucha Night - I Bike - I Like - September 21st at 7am in Toronto, 7pm in Guangzhou (GMT+8), Click on the image to see the live stream tomorrow morning. 

We are gearing up to the launch of the XS Alinker, the smaller size Alinker to give ACCESS to smaller adults and taller kids. Subscribe to the EARLY BIRD mailing list, if.... you are pretty sure you are purchasing the XS the moment the campaign goes live and if... you have not already signed up. HERE is a video in which BE explains what an 'EARLY BIRD' is and what the campaign is about.

BRAINY posted a nice video about Alinker on Facebook, watch HERE

Alinkers on treadmills? Yeah!!

Strap the Alinker on a treadmill and you are all set for the times you cannot go outside. A treadmill will help you move your legs, the same way as sitting on the Alinker and when some one would push you, or when you have regained muscles and stamina, it is a great way to get your heart rate up. Stretch your femurs and train your gait.  

When you look at the video there are 6 people with very different abilities, though none of them can without support, and half of them are using a wheelchair. 

Just make sure the front wheels are securely fastened with Velcro straps, either strap the front wheels to the vertical front end of the treadmill, or strap the steering bar to the horizontal bar. The front wheels must stand besides the moving band and not roll or move. Outside wheel dimension is 30", so find a treadmill whereby the wheels stand besides the belt, the belt not wider than 22"
Crowdfunding Campaigns 

We received so many campaign requests, that the waiting list has grown to hundreds of people and the number of campaigns we get completed have decreased due to the effects of covid.  

So we are currently not accepting new applications to crowdfund on the Alinker website. We have this long waiting list and would like to accommodate those who are waiting before accepting new campaigners.

If you need further  assistance or would like more information on crowdfunding on your own, please email
One campaign needs your help - 4 days left

Useful links

Visit active campaigns and donate
Get support for setting up your campaign
Order your Alinker
Rent-to-own your Alinker
Get help with orders and sizing

Who to contact in your country


Before contacting us directly, please review our FAQs

  • Italy: EMAIL 
  • South Africa: EMAIL 
  • Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia: EMAIL
  • United Kingdom: EMAIL
  • Australia: WEB
  • New Zealand: WEB
  • Switzerland, Germany, Austria: EMAIL
  • The Netherlands: WEB
  • Elsewhere: EMAIL 
For all international inquiries outside our distribution regions email here

"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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