
Lutz Preparatory School NEWSFLASH, Friday, September 18, 2020, V9 Issue 8

  • Thursday, September 24:
    • Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Disney Shirts
    • Board of Director Meeting
PTA Membership Drive Still Ongoing!
2020-21 Academic Calendar
Leader in Me Focus of the Week
Click HERE to visit the LIM page on our website.
Important Dates

10/1:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day - Hawaiian Day

10/7:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

10/7:  Fall Conference

10/8:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day - Future Day

10/15:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day - Show Your Genius

10/19:  No School (Teacher Work Day)

10/21:  Fall Picture Retake Day (Brick and Mortar Only)

10/22:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day - Western Day

10/23:  End of 1 Quarter Grading Period

10/28:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

10/29:  Bolts of Blue Spirit Day - Celebration Day

10/29:  Board of Director Meeting

11/11:  Veteran's Day - No School

11/18:  Early Release - Dismissal Begins at Noon

11/23-27:  Fall Break - No School

New Procedure to Report Student Absence

Due to new health protocols that we have in place for the 20-21 school year we have created a new method for notifying the office if your student will be absent (full or partial day). 
  1. Please click HERE and complete the online form to report your child's absence.  This link is also located on our school website; it is the button on the lower left corner.
  2. Please send any doctor's notes or other attendance correspondence/supporting documentation to

Please review the academic calendar on our school website and  make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates.  Good attendance leads to academic success!


Click HERE for the Campaign Kickoff Communication that was sent on Wednesday.

2020-21 Bolts of Blue Spirit Day

Excerpt from the 2020-21 Handbook on Spirit Day Dress

  • If selected “theme” wear during a spirit designated day and/or week is deemed inappropriate or suggestive in nature by LP staff, student will be required to change attire.
  • If student chooses not to wear school spirit or themed dress the standard uniform is required. 
  • Friday Spirit Day and Themed Spirit Days are privileges. Any violations of handbook policies, uniform policy, or privilege guidelines, will result in privileges being taken away
PTA Corner

Its Not to Late to Join!
PTA Membership Drive Still Ongoing - Stay Connected - Join Now!

Click HERE to visit our Member Hub.

2019-20 Yearbooks Still Available
Approximately ten yearbooks are still available from the 2019-20 school year.  Don't miss out!  Click on our PTA Hub to pay and it will be sent home with your student.  

If you are an eLearner and you have not picked up your yearbook yet please stop by the main office between the hours of 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM to pick up your yearbook.  
Bolts of Blue Daily Drawing of Names from Parent Acknowledgment Forms
Click HERE to see the first few days of students whose names were drawn on the morning announcements from the Bolts of Blue Parent Acknowledgement Form.

Bolt of Blue Spirit Day;  Wear Blue from Head to Toe or Middle School House Colors
We love to see our students and staff showing off their school pride!  Check out our Facebook page for all the individual photos!

Middle School Leadership House Ceremony & Penny Wars
On Wednesday, our middle school held their annual Leadership House Sorting Ceremony for all new students in 6th-8th,  The houses are part of the middle school Leader in Me program to promote leadership and collaboration with our older students.  The Leadership Houses are comprised of students from each grade level and three to four teachers to serve as advisors. Each Leadership House is represented by a different animal with characteristics that a leader would typically demonstrate. Students will remain in their Leadership Houses throughout their middle school career at Lutz Prep, and welcome new members each year. We are excited to see how the Leadership House Program will help shape our future leaders through various activities, events, and teamwork, while simultaneously building school camaraderie. Every Friday students are able to show house pride by wearing bandanas or appropriate accessories in their house colors.  The Houses also host Penny Wars as just one of the friendly competitive activities throughout the year.  

Our ceremony looked a bit different than it has in past years and included both our on campus and eLearning student in a live Zoom meeting where the random sorting of our new students were announced to their Leadership Houses. 

The Leadership House friendly competition has officially begun with the start of the Penny Wars, don't forget to bring in your pennies to add to your House!

When Will Proofs of Fall Picture Day be Available?
In about three weeks, once Gigante Productions processes all student photographs a new link will be sent out to families where a proof of the image can be viewed using your student ID as the online code.  At that time, any additional or new orders can be placed.

Fall Retake/Make-Up Day
Save the date for Fall picture retake day - scheduled for Wednesday, October 21st.  This day is for Brick and Mortar students only (reminder eLearners will have their yearbook photos taken on Tuesday, February 9th, 2021).

Carpool Questions
If your family needs additional tags for carpooling purposes, families are responsible for making a photo copy of YOUR LP Car Tags of the CURRENT School Year.
Originals or photo copies of the official car tag will be required for driving through the car line pick up field. (no photos on phones will be accepted in car line)

Before and After-School Care Registration


  • Aftercare is has a few openings due to students dropping out, please complete the updated form on our website as soon as possible. 
  • Half day aftercare is still available and morning care is still available. 
Please click HERE to visit our website for full details and the updated registration form that includes a wait list option.

There is limited space available in these programs, sign up now to secure your spot.

Lutz Prep Parent Spirit Wear from Red's Team Sports
Check out the new Parent Spirit Wear offered by Red's Team Sports, click HERE to visit their store and purchase.  Many options to chose from including sports and our 10 year anniversary options.

All items must be labeled with a student last name (water bottles, jackets, lunch boxes, etc.) in order to be returned to students. 
Items left at school will be donated to charity once a week.  
Board of Directors
Lutz Preparatory School, Inc. is operated by a board of directors made up of community members with diverse and strategic expertise.  Please click HERE for a full listing of our current board members and the assigned representative to facilitate parental involvement.

The meeting schedule and past meeting minutes of the board or directors are posted on the Governance tab of our school website.  Meetings are open to the public and are published in our NEWSFLASH and on the Governance section of our website.  Next Meeting:  Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM via zoom.

New Directors:  Please welcome two new members to our board:
  • Dominic Kouffman began his term at the August 27, 2020 meeting
  • Yulander Wells, will begin his term at the September 24th, 2020 meeting
We are honored to have them join our team.
Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol
Copyright © 2020 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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