
Time & Talent Virtual Coffee Hour
Tomorrow after Morning Prayer 

Share a Simple Gift with Our Community

Each year, we ask you to contribute a simple gift of your time or special talents to St. Bede’s.  Offering up our gifts to the Lord – in gratitude and thanksgiving – is at the very heart of stewardship. It’s also an opportunity for you to strengthen your connection with members of our parish, working side by side in service to St. Bede’s and each other.

As we make plans to return to in-person worship, we are focusing our Time & Talent drive on several key ministries where volunteers are especially needed: worship volunteers, Altar Guild, SoulWork leaders and community outreach. You can participate as frequently as you wish: weekly, monthly or just occasionally. Each of these areas requires perhaps an hour or two of your time when you volunteer.

To learn more, please join us for one of the breakout sessions during coffee hour tomorrow, September 13.  Or e-mail the contact person for the ministry that interests you, please see below.

Where We Need Your Gifts of Time and Talent

Altar Guild and Flower Team. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services each week, attending to the small details that make Episcopal worship special. Members care for the linens, chalices and other precious items we use during worship. The Flower team brings the beauty of God’s creation into church each week by preparing the flower arrangements that grace the sanctuary. 

Contact:  Sue Sartor ( for Altar Guild or Anne Vitullo ( for Flower Team)

Community Outreach. Answer Jesus’ call to feed the hungry, clothe the poor and welcome strangers – seeing Christ in all we serve. The Community Outreach Steering Committee plans events periodically throughout the year, and recruits hands-on help from parishioners of all ages for projects like preparing dinner for the LifeMoves shelter and gathering Christmas gifts for Ecumenical Hunger Program.

Contact:  Sue Sartor (

SoulWork/Christian Formation. Support the continuing growth of faith in our community. Lead a SoulWork or Book Club discussion, teach a class (your ideas welcomed!) or sponsor someone for Confirmation.

Contact:  The Rev. Martha Korienek (

Worship Volunteers.  Serving as a worship volunteer offers an opportunity to deepen your participation in and understanding of our worship, for example, by reading one of the lessons, leading prayers of the people or bearing the chalice at communion. Readers and intercessors are need for our virtual services, while there are expanded volunteer roles for in-person worship including ushers, readers, intercessors and lay servers.

Contact:  The Rev. Martha Korienek (

More Opportunities to Contribute

Buildings and Grounds maintains our campus and keeps it attractive, safe, efficient and accessible. The committee manages ongoing maintenance such landscaping work as well as major facilities projects including last year’s replacement of the HVAC system in Lehman Hall and the recent sewer work. No special experience in property management is needed.

Contact:  Jon Backlund (

Children and Youth Ministry is led by Brendan Deocariza-Nee who develops programs that nurture the faith of our children and youth. Serve as a mentor, storyteller or occasional teacher; organize events geared to all ages.

Contact:  Brendan Deocariza-Nee (

Hospitality welcomes visitors, newcomers and parishioners of all ages and backgrounds with a smile and a bite to eat – at coffee hours, receptions and special events when we can gather in person. 

Contact:  Laura Gable (

Music in the Liturgy. Our choir and Instrumentalists give glory to God through music. Sing in the choir or share your talents by playing an instrumental piece.  Because of COVID-19 restrictions, choir practice is being held virtually and music is prerecorded for our services.  Arts at St. Bede’s is our musical ministry that offers hospitality to the wider community. Volunteers are needed to staff the box office, usher at concerts, publicize events, prepare and serve refreshments at post-concert receptions, and help with set-up and clean-up. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, our Arts concerts will not resume until sometime in 2021.

Contact:  Katherine McKee (

Pastoral Care shares God’s love by providing hands-on support to fellow parishioners through the joys and sorrow of life. Visit the sick or homebound … bring meals to families coping with illness or mourning a loved one … run errands for those who cannot … offer rides to church services and events. If trained as a Eucharistic Visitor, you may deliver communion to the homebound (when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted).

Contact:  The Rev. Martha Korienek (

And more! We’re always looking for ways to tap into the special skills of our Bede’s community. Are you a good photographer? Take photos of Bede’s people, places and events for use on our website and in parish publications.  Are you regularly on social media?  Help keep our Facebook page updated with fresh content to interest regulars and invite newcomers. Are you a tech guru? Help support and refine our online worship services.  Contact Anne Vitullo ( to offer your skills in these or other ways not listed.  

A simple gift of your own time and talents is a wonderful way to share God’s love and deepen your involvement with our beloved community. 

We’re grateful for your gifts! 

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St. Bede's Episcopal Church
2650 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Photo copyright © St. Bede's Episcopal Church in Menlo Park, all rights reserved.

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Menlo Park, CA 94025

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