13th September 2020
Dear Friends,
Today is the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Click here for the Scripture Readings. In today's Gospel we hear the parable of the unforgiving servant, reminding us that our forgiveness and love should be measured by the abundant love that we have already received from God.
You can hear some words from me today by clicking on the blue button below.
Church building works
These have now been successfully completed and the church is open every day. Thank you to all those who came to help with the cleaning last Monday.
Weekday Masses
After a long break due to Covid and the building works we will resume our weekday mass schedule, do look at it carefully as some mass times have changed. Coming to one or more masses in the week is an important part of the Christian life, these quieter celebrations enable us to pray more easily and to let God into our lives in a more intimate way. As you navigate this new way of living in the world, I would encourage you to make time to come to church at least once or twice in the week to mass, this discipline really helps to ground us in God and to be aware of his continual presence in all things despite the difficulties we encounter and the anxieties that we endure.
Click here for the new mass schedule.
Annual General Meetings
The Annual Meeting at Old St Pancras will be on the 27th September after the 9.30am mass. This brief but important meeting will give an update on finances and elect the Church Council and Churchwardens.
The Annual Meeting for the whole Parish, encompassing all four churches, will be at 1.30pm in St Pauls on the 4th October.
Holy things
Sylvia Brantingham, who died at the end of May, left many devotional items such as icons and statues and books. She wanted them to go to good homes and so after each Sunday Mass a table will be laid out, please do take what you want and consider giving a donation to church in her memory.
Simon, our Director of Music will be emailing later with musical reflections for this Sunday.
I look forward to seeing many of you at 9.30am for the outdoor Mass.
Every Blessing,
Fr James