Our first early release day of the school year is Wednesday, September 16, 2020 our school hours are 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Our standard staggered dismissal will run with the same process as it does on a full school day.
11:30-12:00 --- 1st round dismissal (green stickers on car tags)
12:00-12:30 --- 2nd round dismissal
After care is available to those who are pre-registered.
2020-21 Bolts of Blue Campaign Kick Off Details regarding the campaign will be emailed out on Wednesday, September 16th.
Excerpt from the 2020-21 Handbook on Free Dress Days NON-UNIFORM DRESS DOWN DAYS (page 26)
Must have sleeves and must cover the shoulders
Does not have to be tucked in
Must fully cover chest and stomach area
May not be see-through
May not be tied or cinched
May not be revealing
Must be fingertip length (even with leggings)
May not have writing across the backside of the pants/shorts/skirt
Must be worn at natural waist-line (not below the hips)
No knit or spandex bottoms, jeggings, or skinny jeans
May not have holes, tears, or rips
Same as uniform dress day for safety purposes at recess and/or PE
*No clothing may have rips, holes, inappropriate pictures, words, logos, advertisement including but not limited to anything discriminatory, violent, and may not be suggestive of drug/alcohol/illegal substances. *Any questionable clothing not specifically listed here is subject to administrative review.
PTA Corner
Kick-Off to the 2020-21 School Year Membership Drive Results!
Thank you to our families and community who joined during our Kick Off Membership Drive that ran through Friday, September 4th. We are thrilled to announce that we had 148 individual/family/businesses join during our initial kick-off drive. Free Dress Down Day if Joined by September 4th Please read carefully this is not an all school dress down day
For those families that joined by to September 4th you have earned a free dress down day on Monday, September 14, 2020. Emails were sent to those specific members with guidelines and teachers have lists of those students who earned the dress down for the day.
Its Not to Late to Join! PTA Membership Drive Still Ongoing - Stay Connected - Join Now!
Click HERE to visit our Member Hub.
Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe. Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol