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Cradle a new baby, and you are immersed in awe and wonder.
You hold the future in your hands!
What will you do to make the world better
for the sake of this child—
and all children?

Resolve to work for justice for all of creation! 
Through these brief Tips, you have the basics of
what the issues are, why Christians should care, and
how to respond to make a difference
for all of God’s creation.
Share the Tips with your family, friends, and congregation. Choose any or all. Forward them to someone you care about. Cut-and-paste to put them in your emails, worship bulletins, newsletters, social media, or website.  
The choice is yours. 

Each month 10 Tips will arrive in time for you to choose and use. 
The service is totally free.  
Tips for October 2020
A new baby brings joy—and a lot of plastic waste! Choose baby products made from sustainable resources and ones that can also be passed along to other families. Browse the internet for sustainable diapers and diaper bags, as a starter. For a baby shower, let family and friends know that sustainability is not just for your baby but also for the future of all babies. 

COVID spotlights the necessity of acting early and decisively to ward off suffering and death. That insight applies also to the climate crisis. Early and decisive action on behalf of planet and people is essential. The sooner we act, the better. Speak up! Write letters to legislators. Vote for God's planet and people!

Poachers are killing elephants to sell their ivory. But specially trained dogs are on the job, sniffing out smugglers and consequently curtailing the trafficking of ivory and other wildlife “products.” Introduce your children or grandchildren to creation justice through the stories of these dogs and the elephants they protect. Learn more from African Wildlife Foundation (
Driving less during COVID has proven to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. As restrictions are lifted, evaluate your “want to drive” in light of what you have learned during COVID about your need to drive. Choose to drive less for the sake of the common good. 
When washing clothes, reduce the use of hot water. Heating the water soaks up nearly 80% of the energy required to do a load of laundry. Studies show that cooler settings are just as effective for cleanliness.
Those who have the power to address climate change are more likely to respond when they perceive the demand for action has grown in the electorate. Stand up! Speak up! Write, call, organize, sign petitions, encourage your friends and congregation to be more vocal, use your social media, vote. Reclaim your power! Build undeniable momentum. 
Recycle your athletic shoes. Just drop off your worn-out ones (any brand) at a Nike store that is participating in the Reuse-A-Shoe program, which recycles old ones and transforms them into Nike Grind material, used in performance products and sport surfaces. Find out more: or  
Plant trees. In the midst of Job’s many trials, creation gave him a reminder: “For there is hope for a tree, if it is cut down, that it will sprout again…” (Job 14:7-9). For people of faith, planting trees is a faithful act of hope and a sign of trust in the Creator. October through early March is tree planting season.
According to a Harvard study, the average American shower uses 2.5 gallons per minute. Do a personal or family assessment—time your showers for 2–4 days. Take an average as a benchmark. Then accept the challenge to reduce the amount of water used. As a bonus, shorter showers also draw less energy to heat the water, which reduces their environmental cost. 
Reuse zippered packaging. Numerous products come in re-closable plastic bags. Rather than automatically trashing them, reevaluate. If the bag has contained individually wrapped pieces or if it can be thoroughly washed, it can be reused. Simply add a masking tape label or use a marker to identify the new contents.  
More Tips are available on

Zoom to the Summit!
The United Methodist Creation Justice Movement is providing these Tips 
as a tool to equip church members, families, and individuals to respond to God's call to care for creation and do justice with our neighbors.
For more about the UM Creation Justice Movement, go to

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