2020/2021 Issue 3
Editor: Roxána Hossó
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A Note from the  Teacher 

Dear Readers,

Greetings from the school!

Although the circumstances that surround the 2020/21 academic year are not what we expected nor hoped for, but with your cooperation, we will ensure the success of our students and help them to achieve their highest potential.

In this newsletter, you can find some interesting information about what was happening so far during the first few weeks of this school year.

Hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter!

Until next week kind regards,

Ms. Gabriella Gidró 
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    September 14         Extracurricular classes start

  September 18          Family Day from 1st to 4th grade

A special Family Day is coming!

Family Day will be organized in our school for 1st to 4th grade students on Friday, September 18.
1st and 2nd graders will use their skills in arts and crafts to create fun works connected to the family members.
3rd and 4th grades will use their language and math skills in different activities about families.


2020.szeptember 18-án megrendezésre kerül az SEK Budapest Családi Nap az 1-4. évfolyamokon.
Az 1-2. évfolyamos diákok kézügyességüket és kreativitásukat kamatoztatva alkotásokat készítenek családtagjaikról.
A 3-4. évfolyamok idegennyelvi és matematika készségeiket felhasználva fognak érdekes feladatokat megoldani a nap folyamán.

Országos Fitkid Bajnokság
A hétvégén került megrendezésre az idei Fitkid Bajnokság, ahol több diákunk is versenyzőként vett részt. Örömmel osztjuk meg a hírt, hogy tanulóink csodás eredményekkel távoztak a megmérettetésről.

Vilhelm Letícia a 4.A osztályból 1. helyezést ért el egyéni résztvevőként.

Gergelyfi Gerle a 4.B osztályból társával a “Magyar Népmesélők” című produkcióval a 2. helyen végzett.

National Fitkid Championship
This year's Fitkid Championship was held over the weekend, where some of our students also competed. We are happy to share the news that our students have achieved wonderful results in the competition.

Letícia Vilhelm from the 4A class has achieved 1st place.

Gerle Gergelyfi from the 4B took 2nd place with the production “Hungarian Folk Tales” with her partner.

Congratulations to Letícia and Gerle!


How to paint like Picasso?

Pablo Picasso had an insatiable appetite for creating new ideas. When he was 5 years old, he could draw brilliantly and by the age of 19 he was asking 'why should I paint like this for the rest of my life?’ So Picasso abandoned academic painting and set about developing his own ideas, and this is how he completely changed the course of art in the 20th century.

The name Picasso has become a synonym of creativity and our students from 5B and 6A could test their own "Picasso attitude" this week. Let's see how they paint a portrait like Picasso!


Who am I?

This is the timeless thought-provoking question that drives the latest semester theme of the IB English Literature students. Perhaps more so now than ever, this question is considerably important for not only our own self-reflection but that of society as well. Before the group kicked off their new school year by studying the poetry of Marilyn Chin, the students were asked to write a poem of their own in connection to the semester theme. Enjoy! 

Julius Popper Ryunosuke (12IB) 

Moments before disaster
You can move and erase mountains as you please,
That makes you very significant.
Yet when I look at you,
You're all too small for me to even look at you,
In fact, there's too many of you.
Let me fix that.

Mayuri Sriram (12IB)

Unequally Equal

I walk, talk, eat, sleep.
I dance, act, paint, sing.

I am the same,
I am different.

I am normal,
I am unique.

You tag me as mundane,
You tag me as weird.

I am the same,
I am different

Minka Nagy (12IB)

Few years back, I would’ve said,
I have no idea who I am.
I’m no poet, nor a swimmer,
Not even a math competition winner.

Few years back, I would’ve been stressed,
Not knowing what should be said.
I passed my days like every other,
Clueless of what I was to uncover.

All I knew was what I wasn’t.

Today, I finally know,
Labels simply don’t fit us all.
There’s no need to please society —
Let go of the anxiety!

Tomorrow there will be much to discover,
Knowing I am a fighter, a giver, a lover.
I am joy, chaos and a sister to one,
But most of all, I am human.

Kangaroo Math Contest 10th September

Math Kangaroo (also known as International Mathematical Kangaroo, or Kangourou sans frontières in French) is an international mathematical competition where over 92 countries are represented. There are twelve levels of participation, ranging from grade 1 to grade 12. According to the organizers, the key competence tested by Mathematical Kangaroo is logical combination, not just pure knowledge of formulas. And the main aim of this competition is to make Mathematics fun and enjoyable.

The competition was established in 1991 by André Deledicq, a professor of mathematics at the University of Paris 7, and Jean-Pierre Boudine, professor of mathematics at Marseille. The idea comes from the Australian Mathematics Competition, initiated in 1978 by Peter O'Halloran.

In 2020 SEK Budapest decided to take part in the Kangaroo math competition in March 2020 for the first time. We had many students who wanted to compete from grades 5-10. It was an opportunity for our English speaking students to show their talent. Unfortunately the competition was postponed in Hungary from March to September due to Covid-19. Furthermore, in September there were three year groups who could not come to school and some of our students from other grades were also absent.

We are very proud of our students, who participated in the International Mathematical Kangaroo:

8A:  Deng Shaojie, Om Panda , Nguyen Long Tran
8B: Hoang Long Tran
10A: Dawei Sun, Pengcheng Ye 
10B: Hou Jiahe 

We do hope next time the others will have the opportunity to compete!

SEK Math Teachers: Kinga Borcsiczky, Kinga Nagy, Lea Fogaras


Preschool Days

In preschool we have been learning all about our daily routines. Learning the days of the week has been a cornerstone of preschool life in knowing what to expect in the classroom each day.

In P1 we have been getting all excited about Thursday, our first field trip for the year to an apple picking orchid. They have been learning the days of the week,singing about catching the bus, picking apples and learning the importance of staying together as a class for our field trip.

P2 are also excited about eating apples on Thursday. They have been reading “The Hungry Caterpillar” who started his week by eating an apple and finished the week by turning into a butterfly.

P3 have been learning all about their daily schedule which greatly mimics that of how their first grade timetables will operate next year. Each day P3 has a different subject theme to ensure they are familiar with all the subjects that they will encounter on a daily basis in the larger school.

Hayden Bryant - Preschool Teacher


Body percussion

Body percussion is an incredibly fun and powerful activity. It helps our students to internalise their ability to feel the music and stay in time and it is a great way of scaffolding basic composition skills. Also, it can be used to develop the whole musician and teach rhythm, composition, listening, ensemble and performance skills. The  benefits are endless.
Our 3rd ESO students started the academic year with this fun activity.
We hope you enjoy it!

Fátima Pereiro
Music Teacher

Colegio Internacional Eirís

Clavis Skills and Food Technology

Year 7 made chocolate muffins in Food Tech this week. They were very yummy with definitely no shortage of chocolate!
We learned how to sew on a button and iron a shirt in Clavis Skills this week. Here we are practising!
Mrs Wrigley
St. John’s International School


SEK Budapest International School
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 131.
phone: +36 1 394 29 68
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