September 2020 Supplemental
OAWA Coaches Mailing
A few new items of information and some reminders
Coming Soon: Super Weekend to go Virtual: Watch for announcements shortly about the Super Weekend – in October. Dates and other information being finalized!
Combatives Sport Survey
The OAWA is working with the 10 other Ministry recognized Combative Provincial Sports Organizations to present to the Government of Ontario ideas about the impact on Combative Sports clubs and groups of the pandemic, and also how to guide the return to training and eventual return to full contact training, competitions, etc. In other words, how can combative sports organizations advise the government on pandemic recovery for combative sport.
To assist in this, we are asking all clubs to complete the following survey. It is short, and tries to assess the impact on our clubs. It is designed for all combative sports/clubs, many of which have more of a commercial operation than wrestling. You may not be able to answer some questions (eg. number of employed coaches), but we ask that you do your best to determine the impact of lost programs – what your club would normally have spent to attend Nationals, Provincial Championships cancelled, training camps and other travel opportunities, and so on.
Please take the time to complete the survey by using the following link:
Ontario Combative Sports COVID-19 Impact Survey
COA News: Upcoming Coach Training Opportunities:
The Coaches Association of Ontario is presenting the following opportunities for Coaches as part of its upcoming National Coaches Week (September 19-27):
This year the CAO will be providing FREE professional development webinars and lunchtime Q&A sessions for coaches! Both of these opportunities will be FREE to all coaches during National Coaches Week in Ontario, and award coaches 1 PD Point! Help us reach your coaches with this opportunity by sharing the information below. Feel free to share with your coaching community!
Ask The Experts
For National Coaches Week, the Coaches Association of Ontario is excited to release the official registration for our FREE professional development webinars and coach lunch and learn sessions!
These sessions covering current topics that are relevant for Ontario coaches. Sessions will run from September 21st - 25th will provide coaches with the opportunity to ask questions to top sports experts and earn professional development points for both sessions.
Did we mention that the lunch & learn sessions will be hosted by courtside reporter Raptors 905 & NBATV Canada's Akil Augustine?!
Lunch & Learn – 1 PD per participant
Our lunch and learn sessions will be held each day from 12 PM - 1 PM EST. Each session will include 30 minutes of open Q&A from participants (that’s you!), so bring your questions! Don’t miss this opportunity to get answers to your burning sport leadership questions.
Professional Development Webinars - 1 PD per participant
Our evening professional development webinars will be held from 7 PM - 8 PM EST. Each session will allow participants to gain 1 PD point while hearing from top sports experts.
Free eLearning Modules
National Coaches Week is an opportunity to continue your coach education! Log in to the locker to gain access to FREE eLearning modules from the Coaches Association of Canada.
- NCCP Coaching Athletes with a Disability
- NCCP Making Headway in Sport
- NCCP Emergency Action Plan
- Safe Sport Training
- NCCP Coach Initiation in Sport
These modules are FREE from September 19th - 27th.
Get Involved
National #CoachesWeek is soon approaching - and while courses and programs are filling up, there are still ways to stay involved throughout the week:
- Tune in to the Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards on September 19th - link coming soon
- If you're a club/organization, order a FREE National Coaches Week Flag by simply filling out the form HERE
- Join the conversation on social media by tweeting #ThanksCoach
Reminder: OAWA Governance Town Hall Saturday September 19, 2020
Per the direction from the 2019 OAWA Annual General Meeting, the OAWA re-formed the OAWA Governance Committee to review the draft by-laws presented at the 2019 AGM. These by-laws were deferred back to committee for review and additional consultation with the members.
Over the course of the last year, surveys were done and the Governance Committee reviewed the responses to the surveys, in particular the last two surveys of OAWA registered clubs done over the summer of 2020. All Coaches were notified of this process and advised to contact their Head Club Coach or Administrator to encourage them to participate in the surveys and provide their input on the by-laws.
Links to information is available in the AGM agenda on the OAWA web site, but is presented here as well:
Constitutional Amendment:
At this year’s AGM, the following motion to amend the OAWA Constitution will be tabled. To view information about this motion, please use the following links:
- Click HERE to view the 2020 Proposed by-laws
- Click HERE to view a report on the Governance Survey of OAWA Registered Clubs (conducted Summer 2020)
MOTION: “That the members approve the by-laws as presented by the
2020 OAWA Governance Committee”.
Moved by: Robert Parsons VP Technical
Seconded by: Laura Jones-Summers VP Administration
In an effort to respond to any questions about the new proposed by-laws and provide as much clarity as possible, members of the Governance Committee will be available for a special OAWA Town Hall on Saturday September 19 th.
Details as follows:
OAWA Governance Town Hall
Sat, Sep 19, 2020 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391
Access Code: 148-265-461
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Reminder: 2020 OAWA Annual General Meeting
Saturday September 26, 2020 10:00 am:
OAWA Members are reminded that the 2020 AGM will take place on-line. Information for the meeting is available on the OAWA web site at:
Including Agenda, Reports, Audited Financial Statements, Proxy Form, etc. Members are reminded that to be valid, Proxies must by filed 3 days prior to the AGM. See Proxy Form on the web site for full proxy procedures.
- AGM Date: Saturday September 26, 2020. 10:00 am.
- AGM Log-in Information:
- AGM Agenda – the meeting agenda is available on-line in the OAWA AGM Section of the web site at:
- Voting procedure. Since this AGM will be the first OAWA General Meeting to take place on-line, the following voting procedure will be used:
- Regular votes will take place verbally over the call. Votes on Motions or other business called by the Chair (those in favour, those opposed) will be taken and the vote determined by the Chair.
- If the Chair is unable to determine the vote outcome in this way, the members will be polled.
- If a written ballot is requested, the voting delegates (accredited clubs, etc.) will be asked to submit their vote through e-mail. The e-mail will be sent to a dedicated e-mail account and the voter asked to identify themselves, club/other voting member they represent, and their vote. Only the scrutineers will access the vote e-mail inbox to provide confidentiality. The Chair will be notified of the vote outcome by the scrutineers and will call the vote accordingly.
OAWA 2020-2026 Strategic Plan:
As you know, the OAWA has been working on it’s Strategic Plan. While the planning process hit some curves and the Plan was reworked due to some of the current issues facing us, including the pandemic, the OAWA is pleased to release the draft of the Strategic Plan.
View the plan at: 2020-2026 OAWA Strategic Plan
The Plan will be presented by Rob Luke, our Strategic Planning Consultant, during the AGM.
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) update:
As we let you know in prior Coaches' Mailings, Wrestling Canada Lutte has begun offering NCCP Competition/Introduction courses on-line. The first courses ran over the summer and WCL is considering running new courses this fall.
WCL is looking to schedule Virtual Comp Intro A and B plus Technical & Tactical modules for each the end of September or early October.
Coaches interested in taking these courses should contact WCL directly to get on a waiting list and find out more detail. Contact Anthony Bhagwandin, WCL NCCP Consultant at:
OAWA has also asked WCL to clarify how and if OAWA can host courses on-line and we will let you know when we know.
Final Reminder: Return to Training:
- NO CONTACT TRAINING IS ALLOWED. OAWA will notify clubs who have been approved for return to training when this requirement is eased by the Government of Ontario and details.
- To receive your Return to Training Clearance Certificate, please follow the application process outlined in the OAWA Guidelines. Go to for details and application procedure/requirements. If you have questions, please ask.
- Clubs are not allowed to return to training without following these procedures. Failure to follow these requirements may result in disciplinary action under the OAWA Code of Conduct and will void the club’s insurance through OAWA.
Congratulations to the Clubs who have completed the Return to Training application so far and have received their Clearance Certificates! A list of those clubs approved to return to training is posted in the COVID-19 Section of the OAWA Web site.