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City Roots Community Land Trust

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City Roots is working to empower residents and preserve affordability in our neighborhoods, but we can't do it without YOU! Join us every Third Thursday at 5:30 pm.

On Social Media

Hello from City Roots Community Land Trust. 

Since the start of the month, thousands of Rochesterians have marched downtown & on Jefferson Avenue,  equipped with umbrellas, PPE, and signs demanding justice for Daniel Prude. A father, brother, & inspiration to many was murdered by RPD officers Mark Vaughn, Troy Taladay, & Francisco Santiago. We applaud the work of our friends at Free the People Roc, as well as our members for all they have done this summer to continue the fight for racial equity in Rochester and nationwide, reminding us of a powerful quote from MLK's Letter from Birmingham Jail, " I am cognizant of the inter-relatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. Never again can we afford to live with the narrow, provincial 'outside agitator' idea."

City Roots Community Land Trust stands in solidarity with the family of Daniel Prude in demanding justice for his death, with the FTP Organizers in their fight for this justice, and with all BIPOC People threatened by police violence and brutality. City Roots is dedicated to and founded upon Racial Equity and Justice. We understand Rochester’s long history of racism and inequality, and we are deeply committed to rooting these injustices out wherever they exist. Rochester is coming to the realization that traffic cameras & sensitivity training's will not alleviate the problems of the institution that is policing. If we want to end this nightmare, it’s going to take all of us exposing the roots of this society. The revolution endures. 

Third Thursday & City Root's Role in the Movement

Thursday, September 17  from 5:30-7 pm
We hold our general meeting on the Third Thursday of every month. This is a great time to catch up on what's been going on with the CLT, other members, and supporters, and to ask questions!

This Thursday we will be talking about the roles the Land Trust and its members can be involved in to support the recent uprisings, the intersection of housing policy and policing, along with CLT updates. You will also get a chance to meet our new team members!


The Rochester Housing Justice Alliance (RHJA) are community organizations committed to quality, sustainable, and affordable housing as a human right. City Roots Community Land Trust is proud to be a member of the RHJA. We build power with those most directly impacted in order to dismantle systems of racial capitalism that breed gentrification, slumlords, homelessness, displacement, and poverty.  If you're interested in getting more involved in the Rochester Housing Justice Alliance, this is a great meeting for you to attend. Be sure to be on the lookout for upcoming Eviction blockade training's! 
See you soon!
- City Roots
Meet our new team member, Graham Hughes!
We're very excited to welcome our new Special Projects Coordinator, Graham! Graham grew up in the Syracuse area and moved to Rochester after he graduated from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in 2017 to work for RMAPI. Before joining City Roots as a staff member, Graham completed his Master's Degree in Adult Education & Community Development at the University of Toronto. He has been a dedicated member of City Roots since November 2017 and is honored to be working for the organization. If you have any questions or want to get to know Graham more, please send him an email at
Housing Updates
Check out these before & after pictures of our kitchen and bathroom rehab on Ferndale Crescent! Thank you to Steve & DPH Associates, as well as all of the volunteers who worked hard to bring this beauty to life! 
There will be a CLT home available for purchase on Stunz Street. If you're a first-time homebuyer interested in purchasing a permanently affordable home, please contact Joe at
Thank you to our friends at Project Pheonix & DPH Associates for making this possible! 
This Saturday, 540WMain, Inc will hold an e-course on Redlined Neighborhoods & The Environment. The course will explore redlining and how it has impacted the lived environment and ecology of the people and the environments that house them.  This limited course is $30 per person, & scholarships are available for anyone that needs one! For more details please contact:
Please remember to complete the 2020 Census! Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data. Census data is also used to calculate how much affordable housing a city may need. 

The results of the census also determine the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives, and they are used to draw congressional and state legislative districts.

You can help bring more resources to your community! Take the time to make Rochester better. 

Click here to complete the Census now! 

Join our friends at Flower City Noire Collective on September 24th at the Noire House for the monthly BUGS ROC event!
 BUGs ROC is a BIPOC growing community for those who want to create sustainability and self-sufficiency in our neighborhoods. Flower City Noire Collective is working to connect people to the land, the resources, and to each other, to grow the sustainable food system we need. By addressing the trauma that exists between us and the land and learning ways to heal both ourselves and the land we can grow the future we all deserve!
Community Highlight

Appreciation needs to be shown to Flower City Noire Collective. This queer-women  led collective is dedicated to elevating the voices of black women and creating much needed safe spaces. The collective has also been dedicated to justice, creating a book club & mentoring program that centers women of color & revolutionary struggle.  The Flower City Noire Collective is also growing a community garden in the Jefferson neighborhood, an act of resistance in an area that doesn't provide adequate ways for residents to buy fresh food. 

Kristen Walker & Tonya Noel have been the voice and spirit of many recent rallies, keeping the crowd energized for hours at a time. Thank you, Kristen & Tonya Noel for all of the hard work you both have put in over the years. It has not gone unseen.

Follow & support The Flower City Noire Collective:


City Roots Community Land Trust is a 501.c.3 community controlled non-profit working to establish lasting affordability in our communities here in Rochester, NY. City Roots acquires land and improvements (houses, apartments, commercial buildings, gardens, playgrounds, etc) and then puts it to our members to decide how it should be used.

You qualify as a member if you live within the City Rochester and you meet two of the three qualifications: 1) Pay $25 annual dues; 2) Attend at least 4 CLT meetings within 12 months; and 3) Volunteer in some capacity on behalf of the CLT.
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City Roots Community Land Trust · 20 First St · Unit B · Rochester, New York 14605 · USA

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