Hello everyone 

Lots of exciting things going on this month - and I'd love to get your input to some of the resources I'm working on at the moment. Enjoy!

New from Fast Track Impact

New monthly impact reading group: Join others interested in impact for a discussion at 13.00 on the last Friday of the month. Each month you'll get a new reading and a different author will summarise their work before diving into discussion. Places are limited to 100 and there will be no recording as we want to create a safe space for in-depth discussion. The first four sessions are open for registrations now. The first two, on evidencing impact (based on my new paper below) and new evidence on what made a top-scoring REF20124 impact case study with James Gow and Henry Redwood (based on their new book, below) are booking up fast. Book your place now.

Tips and tools for making your online meetings and workshops more interactive: read my new guide with Sawsan Khuri

New research on evidencing impact: Read my new paper with colleagues from the iCASP project, Evaluating impact from research: A methodological framework. This is the first time (to my knowledge) that anyone has reviewed the full range of methods available for evidencing impact from across all disciplines. It also contains a new academic definition of research impact that tries to capture the subjective nature of the concept. It was three years in the making but it is finally out! 

Get involved in the research for my new Impact Culture book: In this Google Doc you can see 72 ideas for professional services staff and managers to build a more healthy impact culture that I've been collecting from interviews and people I've trained over the last year, and there are so many great suggestions! Add yours here and contribute to my forthcoming Impact Culture book.

Global analysis of University impact strategies: with Saskia Gent and Regina Hansda, I am analysing impact strategies from Universities, centres, departments and projects around the world to build a typology and guide to writing a good impact strategy. Thanks to all who have submitted examples so far we have started the analysis but if you can send examples to me ASAP this week, I will be able to include them. We also want to create a repository of examples of each type of strategy so let me know if I can share or should keep private what you send me. Find out more about the project and contribute your impact strategies here. 

Research Impact and Critical Research: Reclaiming Impact on Critical Terms. Read the new blog by Ruth Machen and discuss the paper it is based on in the January impact reading group

When (and how) to write a highly cited versus a highly targeted paper: Read my new blog 

New evidence of what helped 111 of the highest scoring REF2014 case studies get top scores: read my review of "Impact in International Affairs by James Gow and Henry Redwood" 

Book review: read my review of "The Impact Agenda: contraversies, consequences and challenges" by Smith et al. Meet the authors and discuss their work at this SKAPE webinar on 14th October. To book your place email Marc Geddes.

Video of our webinar launching the Media Impact Toolkit launch with The Conversation: see the full toolkit here

For everyone who wants to retain flexible working and to be part of a new normal where tackling the climate crisis is our first priority, we're now taking bookings for 2021 online only - join with us in changing how we all work. Here is the announcement in case you missed it.

Other useful resources 

Here are a few of the most useful things I've stumbled across on impact over the last month (well I didn't exactly stumble across the first one as I was an advisor to the project, but you get the idea)...
Do get in touch if you have any of your own resources to share, if you have any questions or if you can contribute to my ongoing work on impact culture and strategy! I love getting replies to these emails and chatting to folk on the newsletter list so just drop me a line!

CEO, Fast Track Impact
Tel. 07538082343
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