
Lutz Preparatory School Weekly Reminders 09/28/2020

Thursday, October 1:
Bolts of Blue Spirit Day:  Hawaiian Day 
2020-21 Academic Calendar


Click HERE for the Campaign Kickoff Communication

2020-21 Bolts of Blue Spirit Day
If student chooses not to wear school spirit or themed dress the standard uniform is required. 
Share your photos to this DropBox Link.

Excerpt from the 2020-21 Handbook on Spirit Day Dress

  • If selected “theme” wear during a spirit designated day and/or week is deemed inappropriate or suggestive in nature by LP staff, student will be required to change attire.
  • If student chooses not to wear school spirit or themed dress the standard uniform is required. 
  • Friday Spirit Day and Themed Spirit Days are privileges. Any violations of handbook policies, uniform policy, or privilege guidelines, will result in privileges being taken away
2019-20 Yearbooks Still Available

A handful of yearbooks are still available from the 2019-20 school year.  Don't miss out! 

Click on our PTA Hub to pay and it will be sent home with your student.  

If you are an eLearner and you have not picked up your yearbook yet please stop by the main office between the hours of 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM to pick up your yearbook.  

2020-21 Yearbook Committee Needs Your Photos - NEW LINK!
Parents, please share your pictures of your students (eLearners and on campus) showing their LP Pride this Thursday for Bolts of Blue Hawaiian Day!  Share your photos to this DropBox Link.
  • Please name your photos by last name and teacher name.  
  • Example:  Smith.trinkaus.jpg, Smith.trinkaus2.jpg, etc.

New Procedure to Report Student Absence

Due to new health protocols that we have in place for the 20-21 school year we have created a new method for notifying the office if your student will be absent (full or partial day). 
  1. Please click HERE and complete the online form to report your child's absence.  This link is also located on our school website; it is the button on the lower left corner.
  2. Please send any doctor's notes or other attendance correspondence/supporting documentation to

Please review the academic calendar on our school website and  make every effort to schedule appointments and vacations outside of these dates.  
Good attendance leads to academic success!
Follow Us on Facebook and YouTube
Click HERE to subscribe to our YouTube page, lots of new great videos coming soon.  

Lutz Preparatory School Facebook Page
Please click on the image to the right or  These social media platforms will be additional ways to keep up to date on the school wide events at Lutz Preparatory School. 

Lots of incredible pictures and video's posted on our Facebook page:
Did you check out the postings & pictures last week?

  • Lots of Bolts of Blue Spirit Day Photos (Blue from Head-to-Toe and Disney Day)
  • Middle School House Sorting Ceremony
  • Leader in Me Habit of the Month
  • Bolts of Blue Kickoff Video
  • Video of Morning Show Daily Drawing Winners
  • And lots more....
The NEWSFLASH, along with direct emails from administration and your teachers is still the primary way you will receive information from us.
All items must be labeled with a student last name (water bottles, jackets, lunch boxes, etc.) in order to be returned to students. 
Items left at school will be donated to charity once a week.  
Most of these glasses and jewelry were from last year.
Leader in Me Focus of the Week

Click HERE to visit the LIM page on our website.
Three Wellness Questions to Discuss as a Family Daily BEFORE Leaving for School
We are relying on our families to be good citizens in our community in our efforts to keep everyone healthy and safe.

Click HERE to view our COVID-19 Protocol
Copyright © 2020 Lutz Preparatory School K-8, All rights reserved.

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