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It's that time of the year again ~ Flu Shots are available NOW! Most insurances cover them in full.  Special Cash Pay pricing available. Please call before coming in.
Click here for Covid Testing information


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We are pleased to welcome Elizabeth Stratte MD to our staff.  She specializes in Pediatric Dermatology.  Appointments only ~ please call 530-246-4629.

What are skin lesions?
By Steven Namihas, M.D.



Our skin is subject to many types of lesions.  Most are benign, but some can be malignant.  It can be difficult at times to tell the difference without removing the lesion and having it examined by a pathologist. 

Skin lesions can be removed at Hilltop Medical Clinic if they are causing discomfort, or if there is a concern for skin cancer.  They can also be removed for cosmetic reasons, though this may not be covered by insurance.  Removal of skin lesions is usually done after injecting a local anesthetic and applying a disinfectant solution.

Benign Skin Lesions

Seborrheic Keratosis

These are scaly, brown lesions, which often appear to be stuck onto the skin surface.  They commonly appear on the trunk of older adult patients.  Treatment may not be necessary unless they become irritated.  Patients may want them removed for cosmetic reasons.   Removal can be accomplished using curettage, which involves scraping the upper skin surface with a sharp instrument called a curette.

For full article click here
If you have something that will uplift our staff, or can provide us with constructive ideas for doing a better job, please share your thoughts with us here... Patient Satisfaction Survey.  Thank you for remembering we are doing our best and are human too. 

COMING SOON!!  IN-OFFICE Rapid testing for Strep, Influenza and COVID-19.  This will be highly helpful for ill patients, families needing prompt results for work or school clearances, for patients having upcoming surgeries and for anyone needing results immediately.

CDC recommends that healthy adults 50 years and older get two doses of the shingles vaccine called Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine), separated by 2 to 6 months, to prevent shingles and the complications from the disease. Our office provides Shingrix shots.  Please sign in online or give our office a call 530-246-4629.  For more information from CDC please click here Shingles Shot (Shingrix)
To find out your Counties current COVID scenario~ Please visit the site for more information.
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