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Meet the Greens Happy Hour

Join us for a special virtual green drinks to learn about our exciting, innovative green projects and, most importantly, how you can join the team. Just because we are virtual doesn't mean we can't network and enjoy good food and drink. There will be special offerings from local eateries and breweries. 
Registrants are encouraged to purchase a meal and or beer/wine from one of our partners (more to come). Order your food and drink, pick it up or have it delivered, then Zoom home for our Virtual Green Drinks Happy Hour! Use special code MeettheGreensDrinks to get a discount or special offering.
Support the environment and stay connected with your local green non-profits without having to move from your computer or even put on pants!
Enjoy raffle drawings and surprise guests!
Please let us know you are coming! See you there!
Tickets: $10 (2 tickets) • $5 (1 ticket) • No Ticket (Admission Only)

Montgomery County Climate Action Plan Update

October 7, 4:00 PM EDT
In July 2019, Montgomery County launched a planning process to develop prioritized actions and strategies to meet the County’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Our own Kim Goddu served on not one but two of the working groups established to create recommendations to help the County achieve zero emissions and create a resilient climate.

Join Bethesda Green on October 7th for a virtual chat with Adriana Hochberg, Assistant Chief Administrative Officer & Climate Change Coordinator in the Office of the County Executive. Find out how the plan would affect you and your family, local businesses, and how to provide comments on the upcoming draft!


Last Call for Applications! Deadline October 4th!

Bethesda Green’s Innovation Lab identifies and nurtures green, for-profit startups aligned with our vision for a sustainable, impactful, and purposeful economy. Our suite of programs support idea-stage companies through those raising Series A rounds, and we are currently recruiting. 
We invite you to join this unique and growing community of committed local leaders and partner organizations. We'll help you access the support you need when you need it.

Applications for the Spring 2021 Accelerator are due October 4th.
Rolling applications for the Incubator and Amplifier programs are now open. Learn more about all three programs here.
Accelerator: Are you working tirelessly to validate your model and want to attract early investment? The Spring 2021 Accelerator Cohort will include a fast-paced, high-touch, 4-month intensive curriculum. We are looking for companies with a demonstrated problem/solution fit, and a coachable, committed, founding team with a rapid growth mindset. Is this you?

>>> Applications for the Accelerator are due October 4th!

Questions? Contact the Innovation Lab team!
Copyright © 2020 Bethesda Green, All rights reserved.

Bethesda Green

4825 Cordell Ave, Suite 200
Bethesda, MD 20814 
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