08-Oct-2020 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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Stay in the Fight!

Orphaned and vulnerable children need our help now more than ever, and our staff are working tirelessly (ok, so maybe they get tired sometime) to provide holistic care even during a pandemic. Our theme right now is to stay in the fight! Take a minute to watch the video above to hear ways we are doing that.

Please join me for a live, virtual Night of Hope on Wed, October 21 at 7:30 pm. You will hear from our Co-Executive Directors, Todd and Beth Guckenberger, experience spoken word from a local artist, and have an opportunity to engage in a one-of-a-kind, interactive experience. The event is FREE but registration is required to receive the link. Visit to register now or watch the video below to learn more.

It is an honor and joy to share this work with you. Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Learn more about the Night of Hope

(Click to view video on Facebook)

Register today!

Prayer Requests

  • Wisdom and discernment for how and when we open up physical services at each site.
  • Every child to feel known and loved.
  • Encounters with Jesus to happen in every way we serve.
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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