Kinship Connections of Wyoming Newsletter
October 2020

Halloween Covid-19 Style!

As you all know, Halloween is approaching  quickly. This year Halloween may look different for some as many events arent going on and there are worries around health and safety. Here are some fun alternative activities to the traditional Trick or Treating. 

1. Drive by Halloween Parade- Have family friends or neighbors drive by your house and throw candy out of their cars. The kiddos can have a Halloween party in the yard while wearing costumes and playing with glow sticks. 
2. Virtual Halloween Costume Contest- Have a virtual party where kiddos can show off their costumes and prizes can be mailed off. 
3. Have a small group of people in your network willing to sanitize and social distance. Make a "route" and have them be where you go to trick or treat. 
4. Halloween Scavenger Hunt. This activity can be for older and younger kids alike. Get creative and place different fun Halloween activities throughout your neighborhood. 

To learn more great ideas for your Halloween of 2020 click below. 
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Information from the American Cancer Society shares that in the state of Wyoming there are already 430 cases of Breast Cancer in 2020. Cancer is a hard reality and something we must be aware of. 

A wonderful organization in Wyoming is the Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative. They have teamed up with LIV Health and Stiches Acute Care for virtual breast cancer support during this time. If you or someone you know is in need of support, a kinship navigator would be happy to connect you to the right resources around Breast Cancer Support. 

To learn more about The Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative. Visit their website below. Together prevention and treatment are possible. 
Wyoming Breast Cancer Initiative
Aging and caregiving at the same time

While not all of the kinship caregivers in our community are grandparents, a large majority of them are.  Having already gone through raising children of their own, most of the grandparents we work with did not think they would be raising their grandchildren at the age of 55+. At this age, there are a lot of other age-related factors that come into play on top of raising kiddos from a different generation. Check out this month’s blog which dives into the many factors affecting our aging adults. 
Reminder: Our Facebook Peer Support Group is an amazing way to connect with fellow kinship caregivers. If you are a kinship caregiver or you know a kinship caregiver who may benefit from this opportunity please encourage them to request to join the group by clicking the join now button below.
As always, if you know of any caregivers or are a caregiver needing assistance, you can dial 2-1-1 or call your Kinship Navigator directly to get connected to the appropriate resources.
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