
The Sublime Grace of Bronze, A Continuum

Continuum is a sculpture embodying potent energy and sublime grace. Its form projects energy and motion, both of which weave through and around itself as a thought through time. The sculpture’s rich and lively patina emphasizes the feeling of movement, while giving the bronze an aura of nobility and permanence, a reflection of its material nature.

As implied in its name, Continuum, as life, is in constant motion, extending and contracting in an unending Möbius of peaks and valleys, fullness and void. It is grounded at its core, projecting a calm yet contemplative feeling. It is a gentle offering of strength and peace. 

We wish you a healthy and joyous winter solstice season and warm wishes for the coming new year. May we find a better world in 2021. 

Abbey, Richard, and Valerie

Richard Erdman Studios

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