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A Bright Future - Meet Anthony 

Anthony's hard work ethic and drive to make life better for himself and his family were what brought him through the doors of CHP to study for the HiSET.

His biggest supporter was his wife, Rosie. She believed in him, pushed him to study hard and take the tests. "She pushes me to always want to be better." 

Anthony also credits Sheila, the adult education specialist at CHP. "Her patience and constant congratulating made me feel like she really cared."

Now that he has his HiSET, he plans to enroll in the welding course at Gallatin Community College. Further down the road, he hopes to own his own home and eventually, his own business. All of this achievable with the motto he lives by, "Don't let negative thoughts keep you from positive experiences."

His advice to anyone thinking of furthering their education: "It's never too late to want more. There's never a 'right' time to do things. You have to just go out and do it for yourself." 

 Take the HiSET.   

November 13th.
December 11th.
Register here.

Study Online with

We have subscribed to Essential Education. You can prepare for the HiSET with their HiSET Academy OR take their Money Essentials class OR take their Computer Essentials class. All are free for students enrolled in our program. Just talk to Sheila. She will help you get started.

Take a CORE class with HRDC.

Check out the empowering, skill-building classes HRDC is offering on Mondays and Thursdays.

  • Brand and Attitude
  • Communication and Influence
  • Managing Energy at Work
  • Credit Building & Goal Setting
  • Communication Skills for Advancement
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Using Failure to Fuel Progress
  • Debt Reduction & Spending Planning
They cycle through all these offerings every two months. Take them all or just drop in for the ones you want. Contact Mike Collins to get a schedule and register. 406-585-4863.

Contact Us

Sheila Joronen

Sheila's support team
Amy Coolidge, Stacy Peterson & John Gregory

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