
Monthly Newsletter
October 2020

Bulk Week Reminder
Bulk Week -- yep, it's still during the week of the second Monday of the month.

No holiday schedule for trash or recycling pickups in October.
(Spoiler alert: two holiday weeks in November!)
Annual Meeting and Election of Board
Candidate Applications 
Members of the association -- owners of Rio Crossing homes -- should have received the notice for the annual association meeting, which also included a candidate application.  If you want to be on the board, filling out that form and getting it turned in is the first real step.  If you didn't see the announcement or the candidate form, contact Lisa and she'll email you a copy.

Annual Meeting & Election
The Annual Meeting will be held online on Thursday November, 2, 2020 at 7pmPDS will host the meeting online using GoToMeeting.  Login details will be sent out in the ballot packet which will be out in a couple of weeks.

The ballot packet will also contain a ballot and a return envelope, along with candidate information.  We encourage all owners to vote!  To hold an official meeting, we need a "quorum" -- a term meaning "the minimum number of members that must be present at a meeting to make the proceedings of that meeting valid."  In the case of Rio Crossing, that number is 35.  Your submitted absentee ballot counts toward quorum, per Arizona statute ARS 33-1812.

Please Vote in the Annual HOA Election
by sending in your absentee ballot!
Follow the instructions in the ballot packet you will receive mid-October.

All owners should have received the meeting announcement and call for candidates early this week.  Candidate application forms must be received by Lisa by 8:30am Monday October 5 to be included on the ballot.

We encourage all owners to attend the annual meeting.  It's not a board meeting... it's a meeting for all owners!  Keep in mind you can submit an absentee ballot and attend the meeting!  If you attend the online meeting and have not submitted an absentee ballot, you can request a ballot be emailed to you the night of the meeting, but you must fill it out and send it back in immediately in order to be counted, as the ballots will be counted during the meeting by representatives of the management company.
October Board Meeting
The October board meeting will be held online via GoToMeeting on Monday, October 19, 2020 at 7pm. To get the login information, contact Lisa.

Design Review Committee
The Design Review Committee could use an additional volunteer.  Currently there are only two of us, and while not absolutely necessary, it's generally advisable to have at least 3 members. If you want to know what is involved, contact Lisa, or get in touch with me by replying to this email.

We used to meet every month, but we've streamlined the process and have approved an online submission process that we'll be rolling out soon.  It's not a lot of work, but does require a little dedication.  The two of us currently on the committee will train you "on the job".
Landscape Turf Prep
I know... it doesn't seem like fall is here yet.  But it's coming -- it has to be. We're all pretty exhausted from the heat!

Stillwater says our summer grass is pretty exhausted too, so they've started the process of converting to the winter-hardy Rye grass.  The Bermuda has been short-trimmed and the Rye already spread in most areas, and the irrigation is starting to run "more than usual".  The goal is for the Rye to be sprouting when the weather finally does cool down a bit more.

Soon.  Soon...
Association Social Media
The association officially participates in a limited number of social media venues as lines of communication with owners, residents, and others interested in our community.  In general we use social media to help keep you informed.  We do on occasion respond to questions directly, when they are of general interest to a wide group of people.

I did recently add a Rio Crossing Instagram account to our social media outreach.  So far, just the Bulk Trash calendars there... but maybe some day we'll have a more interesting presence! 

See the icons at the bottom of this message to visit our various social media outlets.

Our Website
Our Website
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