International Education Week will be held at Duke from Nov. 9-13, 2020. This year’s theme is “Together Around the World.” During the week, join us for special global events and see recommended books from graduates around the world.
Four members of the Duke community talk about what makes a global collaboration happen during travel restrictions and other constraints from COVID-19.
How do you show students 7,000 miles away that they are a vital part of the Duke community? For Duke’s International House, the answer was to enlist student volunteers called International House Orientation Peers — or IHOPs — to welcome new students to Duke.
The 2020 Election is right around the corner. Duke Votes can help you vote, whether you plan to vote in Durham or in your home state.



Globally Inclusive Programming from I-House and GEO
Looking for tips on how to host a globally inclusive event? See recommendations from the International House and the Global Education Office. Learn more.

Critical Language Scholarships
Travel abroad and immerse in one of 15 different critical languages with this fully-funded summer program. Nine of the languages are offered at the beginning level. Watch the student webinar. Contact the Office of University Scholars and Fellows for any questions. Deadline: November 17, 2020, 8 PM EST.

James C. Gaither Junior Fellows Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Serve as a Research Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for one year for those with knowledge of different policy areas or world regions, and outstanding research writing skills. Campus Deadline: November 25, 2020.  Learn more.

Michel David-Weill Scholarship
Funding for a two-year Masters of Sciences in Paris for those with strong French and outstanding research writing skills. Campus Deadline: November 30, 2020Learn more.
Duke Global Baton
421 Chapel Drive
Box 90035
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 684-0682

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