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Project PLACE  

Partnerships for Learning, Achievement, and Classroom Engagement

October 2020

Resources, resources, resources! 

Project PLACE wants to remind you that we are still here for you! One way that Project PLACE would like to help is by sharing resources that you can use during remote and virtual learning. Please check out our shared Google Drive that has resources ready to use. We also encourage you to continue to upload and use activities from our Facebook group!

Shoutout to Year 3 teachers!

A big congratulations to the Project PLACE Year 3 teachers for completing their year of professional learning!  As a group, they shared materials they implemented as part of Project PLACE. Those wonderful examples can be found in the shared Google Drive!

Technology tools links
Many helpful resources to use with your students, all in one place!
Need an idea for each day of the week? Look here! Want to check out Project PLACE teacher examples of their morning meetings? Click here!
3 Tips for supporting English Learners
Tip # 1 - Translation apps
Try an app that translates communication into families’ preferred language
• Talking Points
• Remind
• iOS 14 iPhone/Apple update - translation app
Tip # 2 - Use videos
• Parents may understand oral English better than written
• Video provides visual context and can be viewed multiple times
• Some videos (e.g. Google Meet, Flipgrid) have closed captioning – turn it on!
Tip # 3 - Take home packets
Are you creating at-home packets for your students during distance learning? Check out this resource on best practices for creating accessible take-home packets to support distance learning for English learners!

Project PLACE – Plans Moving Forward

Due to COVID-19, Project PLACE has changed the timeline for working with new groups of teachers. This year, Project PLACE will serve a small group of Alumni Teachers drawn from all past participants. If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Jo (

We will wait until Summer 2021 to begin working with a new group of teachers.  Due to the change in timeline, we are reopening recruitment of teachers for the final two years of Project PLACE (2021-22 and 2022-23). Please reach out to teachers in your school and tell them about your experience with Project PLACE!

How can we help you? What resources would you like to see more of on these newsletters? Fill out this Google Form to provide us feedback! 
Check out the resources on the Project PLACE website!

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