Weekly News
Dear friends,
This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St Michael and All Angels. Click here for the Scripture Readings
Saint Michael the Archangel is referenced in the Old Testament and has been part of Christian teachings since the earliest times. In Catholic writings and traditions he acts as the defender of the Church and chief opponent of Satan, and assists us at the hour of our death.
A widely used "Prayer to Saint Michael" was brought into official use by Pope Leo XIII in 1886, and is still widely used in times of trial.
After Mass on Sunday, we will have our Annual Meeting, this brief but important meeting will give an update on finances and elect the Church Council and Churchwardens. The Annual Meeting for the whole Parish, encompassing all four churches, will be at 1.30pm in St Paul's on the 11th October.
Harvest Festival
This will be celebrated on the 4th October with a Harvest Lunch at St Paul's Camden Square
Grand Christmas Raffle
Tickets will go on sale this Sunday (a week early) , Click here for more details.
Yaro and Kristian
This coming Saturday is a double celebration for two previous Pastoral Assistants. At 11am in St Andrew's Holborn, Yaroslav will be ordained priest, you can watch the service live by clicking here.
In the afternoon Kristian will be marrying Laura in Cambridge.
The 10am mass at Old Pancras this Saturday will be offered for them so do come and pray for them at mass or at home if you can't be in church.
See you on Sunday
Fr James