Wearing a mask can help prevent a double whammy this flu season
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Donna Mask

Meet Donna Mask, our newest flu-fighting superhero

Flu season is here. This year, public health experts are warning that flu viruses and COVID-19 could both spread, making it more important than ever for workers to protect themselves and others.

Luckily, our new flu-fighting superhero, Donna Mask, is here to help.

As a new member of SAIF’s flu-fighting team, Donna is consistent and determined in her fight to protect others from infectious diseases by donning her mask and keeping a safe physical distance from others in public places.

The flu and COVID-19 both spread in similar ways, including coughing, sneezing, and talking. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says masks act as a barrier to prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air from one person to another. Therefore, preventing the spread of one virus by wearing a mask could help prevent a double whammy this flu season.

Be a superhero in the fight against the flu this fall and winter by following these tips: 

  • Get your flu shot
  • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer when water and soap are not available 
  • Stay home when you’re feeling ill 
  • Wear a mask
Safety resources and posters
Meet SAIF’s entire germ-fighting team at, including Colin Sick, Maxine Vaccine, Sleevie Nix, Hans Washer, and Andy Septic. You’ll find more information on preventing the spread of infectious disease.
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