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The Latest from 09/25/2020

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While the obligation to attend Mass is suspended by our Cardinal, visit our Facebook Page to learn how you can join us for our Online Mass or Drive-In Mass.

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Centered on the Eucharist, we work to offer hospitality and healing to all. 



 Sep 24, 2020 01:33 pm

This week I heard a news story about a family who was struggling to make ends meet, due to pandemic-related underemployment. It really struck me when I heard it, and I prayed a quick prayer for the family. Somehow, that morning, I heard that story four separate times, and I realized that God may be inviting me to do something beyond a quick prayer.

I felt an urgency to help someone like the woman in the story, but I was not sure how to go about it. I prayed “Okay God, send me where I’m needed, let me know how I can help.” And then... I got a little nervous.

I was nervous because I know that when we ask God to use us, God does. God calls all bluffs when we put ourselves out there and are willing to use our gifts to help others. I thought, hmm… if I tell God I’m willing to help, what might happen? Will a family of four appear on my doorstep? It’s entirely possible, knowing God.

Fr. Bob Bedard, founder of the fraternal order of the Companions of the Cross, calls this the ‘dangerous prayer’: “Whatever you want me to do Lord, I will do it.” The prayer is a daring one because if you’re like me, you’d rather say something like “Whatever you want me to do, Lord, let me know, and I’ll see if it’s something I’d consider if I have the time or I’m not too tired…” The prayer is dangerous because we don’t get to specify what we’re willing to do, and because it is a prayer that God will answer.

But I do want God to use me, to use what I can give, to help the people in our world who are needy. I’m so grateful to be a part of this parish and to have access to our St. Vincent de Paul Society, who takes my donation (and yours!) and puts it to work immediately, and locally, helping real people who need real help. You can join me in making a donation right from our website:

I know that God is ready to put us to work to build the kingdom and care for others, and I think that we can become a parish who is famous for the way we love people. Join me this week in making this dangerous prayer, and let us see what God does with us, and through us.

Margo Morin


Drive-in Mass

Sunday 8 AM
St. James Church Parking Lot
Register Here!

Parking Lot opens at 7:30 am

Outdoor Mass - Spanish

Sunday 11 AM
Immaculate Conception Church - Side Lawn
Register Here!

Online Mass

Saturday 4 PM - English
Sunday 8 AM - English
Sunday 11 AM - Spanish

View Online!



 Sep 24, 2020 01:08 pm

Next week, we begin the process of opening our doors to the those who are coming inside to pray with us at Mass. It will be a slow careful process, and we again remind all of the necessity of wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and using the hand gel available at the entrances. This past weekend, there were more cars at the outdoor Mass and more people at the Spanish Mass. As we get closer to moving indoors, I want to remind everyone about the importance of being in community.

We are never more Catholic than when we are gathered around the table of the Lord. Consequently, I think it is more and more important that we put into practice our best understanding of this truth, simply so that we can be an example of the faith we profess to those present and to those we might attract by our best practices. As we slowly try to normalize our parish life, I want to point out that because of the pandemic, we were ushered into many online practices. As a result, for those who are asking about sacraments, Steve Antonio, our new Director of Family Engagement, has been putting together online information and registration processes for families. We have also been testing a series for married couples based on the Alpha model which we hope to use as part of our outreach efforts to families. Of course, you can always speak to me or any of our staff members, or call the parish phone line and leave a message.

I am also happy to report that we are continuing to book weddings, even as we face the challenges of our day. Love is hopeful, and we must be too. This past weekend, Charlie Joyce, our student intern from Boston College, has begun the work of trying to determine how we can better understand how to support parents in sharing their faith with their children. He is working with Steven to help the Latino community reach out to and serve our young people. We have also begun to schedule First Communions and Baptisms at upcoming Masses. As usual, this takes a lot of coordination and even more so currently. I am grateful for the work of the staff and volunteers who have been faithful both on warm days and cold days, showing up early, etc., to do the work they are doing. Thanks to all who are helping to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ and bring his healing love to our corner of the world.

This week, we celebrated the wedding of Laura Gomez and Michael Jamieson. Congratulations to the two of you! We are also pleased to welcome you to the community for worship with us.

Peace, Fr. Murray

Building news: The first estimate to repair the windows in the towers at St. James arrived, and it is $85,000.00. The window caulking, which contains asbestos, needs to be carefully removed, and then the window casings that have rotted need to be repaired and repainted. This will be done with lifts and inside work. We also will need to have the roofers come to block the soffit heat release openings to prevent the infestation of pigeons. On a cheerier note, we have been painting and cleaning the hall at Immaculate as well as cleaning the upstairs balcony area in anticipation of seating people in both areas for a time when larger crowds are able to gather again. The paint colors are roughly the same colors as the main church with the wainscoting a light blue/grey to match what we have in the upper church. We have two new part-time employees who are doing the cleaning work at each church. Welcome Michael Pizzo and Anthony Hayes.

la semana que viene comenzaremos el proceso de abrir nuestras puertas a los que están dispuestos a ingresar para rezar con nosotros en la Misa. Será un proceso lento y cuidadoso y nuevamente recordaremos la necesidad de usar mascarillas, mantener la distancia social y usar el desinfectante de manos disponible en las entradas. Todos estamos aprendiendo a hacer esto y parece que lo estamos logrando.

El fin de semana pasado, hubo más autos en la misa al aire libre y más gente en la misa en español. A medida que nos acercamos a la fecha de mudarnos al interior, quiero recordarles a todos sobre la importancia de mantenerse en comunidad. Nunca somos más católicos que cuando estamos reunidos alrededor de la mesa del Señor. En consecuencia, creo que es cada vez más importante que pongamos en práctica nuestra mejor comprensión de esta verdad, simplemente para que podamos ser un ejemplo de la fe que profesamos para los presentes y para los que podríamos atraer con nuestras mejores prácticas.

Mientras tratamos lentamente de normalizar nuestra vida parroquial, quiero señalar que, como resultado de la pandemia, fuimos introducidos en muchas prácticas en línea. Como resultado, para aquellos que están preguntando sobre los sacramentos, Steve Antonio, nuestro nuevo Director de Formación en la Fe Familiar, ha estado recopilando información en línea y paquetes de registro para las familias. También hemos estado probando un curso de bodas basado en el modelo Alpha que esperamos usar con parejas jóvenes como parte de nuestro acercamiento a las familias. Por supuesto, usted siempre puede hablar con nosotros o llamar a la línea parroquial y dejar un mensaje.

También me complace informar que seguimos recibiendo reservaciones para bodas incluso cuando enfrentamos los desafíos de nuestros días. El amor es esperanzador y nosotros también debemos serlo.El pasado fin de semana, Charlie Joyce, nuestro estudiante en prácticas de Boston College, comenzó el trabajo de determinar de manera más comprensiva, cómo podríamos capacitar a los padres de familia para que sean catequistas de sus hijos. Está trabajando con Steven, mencionado anteriormente, para ayudar a la comunidad latina a catequizar a nuestros jóvenes.

También hemos comenzado a programar las primeras comuniones y bautizos, utilizando los mismos métodos que usamos para las misas al aire libre en el estacionamiento. Como de costumbre, esto requiere mucha coordinación y más en este momento. Agradezco el trabajo del personal y los voluntarios que han sido fieles en los días cálidos y llegando temprano, en los fríos, etc., para hacer el trabajo que están haciendo. Gracias a todos los que están ayudando a proclamar el mensaje de Jesucristo y a llevar su amor sanador a nuestro rincón del mundo.

Esta semana celebramos la boda de Laura Gómez y Michael Jamieson. ¡Felicitaciones a ustedes dos! También nos complace darles la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad para que adoren con nosotros.

Paz, Padre Murray

Noticias del edificio: Llegó el presupuesto para reparar las ventanas en las torres de St. James y es de $ 85,000.00. El calafateo de la ventana, que contiene asbesto, debe retirarse con cuidado y luego las carcasas de las ventanas que están podridas deben repararse y volverse a pintar. Esto se hará con ascensores y obra interior. También necesitaremos que los techadores vengan a bloquear las aberturas de liberación de calor del plafón para evitar la infestación de palomas. En una nota más alegre, hemos estado pintando y limpiando el pasillo en Inmaculada, así como también limpiando el área del balcón de arriba con anticipación, para sentar personas en ambas áreas cuando haya multitudes más grandes. Los colores de la pintura son más o menos los mismos colores que la iglesia principal con el wainscoting un azul claro / gris para que coincida con lo que tenemos en la iglesia superior. Tenemos dos nuevos empleados a tiempo parcial que están haciendo el trabajo de limpieza en cada iglesia. Bienvenidos Michael Pizzo y Anthony Hayes.


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Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish

158 Federal Street, Salem, MA. 01970


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