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Opening Prayer:

O God, you declare your almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity; Grant us the fullness of your grace, that we, running to obtain your promises, may become partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

St Patrick's On-Line Worship Services

Evening Service, Every Tuesday at 4:00 pm.  See Zoom Invitation below for September 29, Compline.

Please print out Service Leaflet below.

Following is your Invitation:
Doyle Dietz Allen is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: My Meeting
Time: Sep 29, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
       Every week on Tue, until Oct 27, 2020, 7 occurrence(s)
       Sep 29, 2020 04:00 PM
       Oct 6, 2020 04:00 PM
       Oct 13, 2020 04:00 PM
       Oct 20, 2020 04:00 PM
       Oct 27, 2020 04:00 PM

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

If you have any questions, please contact me at, or, at 520-268-0366.

May the Peace of Christ be with you,

Priest Doyle
Compline Service Leaflet

Study of The Gospel of John – Wednesday at 9:00 am.
Parish Bible Study – Wednesdays at 9:00 am.
            Reading for September 30 – John 1:1 – 2:25
   Invitation below.  Come and join us.
     We are having a great time!

I look forward to our time together learning through Scripture, and sharing our experiences.  I expect our visits to last about 1 hour.

Please note these access instructions for our zoom meetings.
Join Zoom and study the Gospel of John Wednesday, September 30, at 9:00 am.

Topic: Parish Bible Study

Time: Sep 30, 2020 09:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
        Every week on Wed, until Nov 18, 2020, 8 occurrence(s)
        Sep 30, 2020 09:00 AM
        Oct 7, 2020 09:00 AM
        Oct 14, 2020 09:00 AM
        Oct 21, 2020 09:00 AM
        Oct 28, 2020 09:00 AM
        Nov 4, 2020 09:00 AM
        Nov 11, 2020 09:00 AM
        Nov 18, 2020 09:00 AM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

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Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations


Our Common Heritage

Interspiritual Mysticism

Our Common Heritage
Friday, September 25, 2020

Today’s meditation continues with reflections from interspiritual mystic Bede Griffiths who I introduced yesterday. I invite you to read his words with an open mind and heart.

It is only today that these different religious traditions are beginning to mix freely all over the world and are seeking to relate to one another, not in terms of rivalry and conflict, but in terms of dialogue and mutual respect. One of the greatest needs of humanity today is to transcend the cultural limitations of the great religions and to find a wisdom, a philosophy, which can reconcile their differences and reveal the unity which underlies all their diversities. This has been called the “perennial philosophy,” the eternal wisdom which has been revealed in a different way in each religion. . . .

The different world religions—Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—have themselves to recover the ancient wisdom which they have inherited, and this has now to be interpreted in the light of the knowledge of the world which Western science has given us. . . . [1]

According to the Letter to the Colossians, in Christ “all things were created, in heaven and on earth . . . all were created through him and for him” [1:16]. This is truly a cosmic vision embracing the whole created world, which we now know to be an integrated whole, and this forms a body, a living organism, which is capable of embracing all humanity. We have therefore the conception of a universal community capable of embodying the universal wisdom and uniting all humanity in one body, one living whole, in which the “fullness,” the whole, of the Godhead dwells. . . . [2]

The Second Vatican Council said that “the Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in [other] religions.” [3] There is truth and holiness in all genuine religion. . . . It has been our experience in the ashram that the more we open ourselves to the other religions, to Hinduism in particular, the deeper our Christian faith grows. Our aim is the deepening of our own faith, which then becomes more open to others. . . .

If you go deeply into any one tradition, you converge on a center, and there you see how we all come forth from a common root. And you find how we meet people on the deeper level of their faith, in the profound unity behind all our differences. . . . The grace of Christ is present in some way to every human being from the beginning to the end. [4]

Bede Griffiths draws his theological insights from the teachings of the Catholic Church to which he remained committed and the Christian Scriptures, which he never stopped reading and interpreting as the word of God, yet now as a part of the perennial tradition. He is an example of how interspirituality can strengthen our Christian faith by deepening our capacity to love and respect the other.

[1] Bede Griffiths, Universal Wisdom: A Journey through the Sacred Wisdom of the World (HarperSanFrancisco:1994), 7‒8.

[2] Ibid., 42‒43.

[3] Second Vatican Council, Nostra Aetate (In Our Time): Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (October 28, 1965), 2. Full text at

[4] Bede Griffiths, A New Vision of Reality: Western Science, Eastern Mysticism, and Christian Faith (Templegate Publishers: 1989, 1992), 99‒100.

Image credit: Spärlich Belaubt (detail), Paul Klee, 1934.
Inspiration for this week’s banner image: I had long been familiar with the mystical tradition of the West, but I felt the need of something more which the East alone could give; above all the sense of the presence of God in nature and the soul. —Bede Griffiths
Daily Meditations Archive: September 2020
Earlier this year St. Patrick's made a couple of donations to our local schools in the community.
Below are a couple of nice Thank You notes from Dunbar School and Kenwood School.
All I Have Is Yours
Becoming Beloved Community--What is it?  Telling the truth.
The first quadrant of the labyrinth is about our Baptismal vow to “persevere in resisting evil, and whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.”  This vow acknowledges that, as much as we try, we fall into sin.  And we commit to repent and return to God.
Building Beloved Community is about the sin of racism and how we can grow as healers in our communities. 
The first step in repenting is to learn and tell the truth about racism.  To help us get started on the path to finding the truth, here are several questions to answer about our churches and communities.
  • How do our churches reflect the racial makeup of our communities?Are we welcoming to people of color who live in our communities?
  • Do we see evidence of racial injustice within the communities surrounding our churches?How are we involved/or not involved, with addressing the racial injustice?Consider the systems for education, health care, jobs, and policing that impact our neighbors of color.
As we answer these questions, we may identify areas where we have not persevered in resisting evil, and have fallen into sin.  We repent, pray for God’s guidance to help us be in open and grace-filled conversation and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
Next week we will explore the second quadrant of the labyrinth, Proclaiming the Dream.
Becoming Beloved Community...Where You Are, A Resource for Episcopal Individuals, Congregation & Communities Seeking Racial Healing, Reconciliation and Justice, Updated July 2020

Submitted by Miriam Casey

[1] Becoming Beloved Community...Where You Are, A Resource for Episcopal Individuals, Congregation & Communities Seeking Racial Healing, Reconciliation and Justice, Updated July 2020
Please Join Us for Convention!

Save the Date

Deanery Convocation
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2020
Begins at 9:30 am
Convocation live streamed in 2020
New this year, the Convocation will be live streamed on 
Saturday, October 10 from 9:30 - 10:30 am. Individual deaneries may have a follow-up Zoom call at 10:30 am. Watch your email for more information on your local meeting and for the Convocation materials.
Who should attend Convocation?
Everyone should come to Convocation!
Members of our Congregations: This is a time when we come together to listen, connect and contribute to the future of our diocese. Anyone is welcome to attend and message during the discussions at Convocation. It's a chance to let your elected representatives and clergy know how you feel about issues on which they will vote at Diocesan Convention.
Clergy & Lay Delegates to Diocesan Convention: A link to Convocation materials will be sent by email. This information pertains to the business that we will presented at Diocesan Convention. Convocation will present this material and allow all who attend to ask questions, hear discussion and solicit input. You will be ready and informed for the convention.
Convention Registration 
Please join us for Diocesan Convention!

Now open for everyone!
New this year, we are inviting all members of diocese to attend the virtual convention. When you register you will be able to participate in one of the four dynamic learning tracks as well as attend the general sessions. 

News from Los Guilicos Village


LGV managers have “humbly requested” help with some needs for residents, including hygiene items and undergarments for men and women.  All resident cabins now have air conditioners, and associated costs were not reimbursed by Sonoma County.  As a result, any financial donations to LGV would be used to offset those costs. 

Hygiene items and clothing can be dropped off at the main gate.  Financial donations should be made payable to St. Vincent de Paul and are tax deductible. 

Mail to:
            St. Vincent de Paul
              610 Wilson Street
            Santa Rosa, CA 95401    
A new email address,, is available for those who have questions or concerns about LGV.

Saturday was National Voter Registration Day. It’s time to take action! 
Voting is the central sacrament of our democracy.  For people of faith and conscience, voting is how we create a country that reflects our values.
To exercise this basic right and civic obligation, we must be registered to vote. That’s why we have partnered with When We All Vote and National Voter Registration Day. These partners are getting voters registered through community influencers like Selena Gomez, Shonda Rhimes, and YOU! Here’s how to help seize the opportunity on this day:
  1. Register to Vote: It’s simple, it’s free, and it’s secure. You can easily start the process here.
  1. Spread the word: Once you make sure you’re registered, forward this email to a friend, and ask them to join you in publicizing the day on social media. Share this voter registration portal- Don’t forget to tag Interfaith Power & Light and When We All Vote on all platforms, and make sure to use #NationalVoterRegistrationDay and #VoteReady in all of your social media posts. 
  1. Get #VoteReady: Already registered? Even better! If you want to vote by mail this year, request your ballot today with When We All Vote’s Voter Resources Hub. Take ten minutes today to visit the hub to learn more about what’s on the ballot, where your polling station is, and other ways to get involved ahead of Election Day.
Thank you for taking a few moments to strengthen your community – and our country – with your voice. 
May the new year bring us together in community, centered on our values of love, compassion, justice, courage, and hope.  L’shanah Tovah!

Susan Stephenson
Executive Director

  Holy Water

We The Kingdom & Tasha Cobbs Leonard

Fire Weather Watch
The National Weather Service has issued a Fire Weather Watch for the North Bay Mountains in elevations above 1,000 feet. The Watch will be in effect from 11am Saturday morning (9/26) to 8am Monday (9/28). LEARN MORE
National Preparedness Month
Is your car ready to roll in case of an emergency? September is National Preparedness Month, and the City of Santa Rosa wants to make sure your vehicle is ready when you need to evacuate. Whether it's keeping your gas tank half full, storing a “Go Bag” in the trunk, or having an extra charger in your glovebox, being prepared will help you leave quickly during an emergency.  See how you can better prepare before a disaster strikes. LEARN MORE


Sonoma County Health Officer Amends the Stay Well Health Order

Sonoma County’s Health Officer, Dr. Sundari Mase, issued an amended health order this week to align the existing local health order with the state's revised framework for reopening. The amendment to the Stay Well Sonoma County Health Order (C19-15), which was originally adopted in June, allows local businesses and activities to reopen, as soon as possible, under the state's new framework. With the amendment, businesses will not need to wait for future local amendments to reopen as Sonoma County moves to new tiers within the state’s color coded tier system. READ MORE

Additional Resources

Register to Vote by October 19

The last day to register to vote in the November 3 General Election is October 19. Registering is easy, visit or request a paper registration form be mailed to you by calling (707) 565-6800.

Tracking Vote-By-Mail Ballots

Sonoma County voters can now track and receive notifications on the status of vote-by-mail ballots. To receive automatic email, text, or voice call notifications about your ballot, sign-up at Voters will also receive communications from their county elections office about important election deadlines and critical updates such as polling place changes.

County Voter Information Guides

County Voter Information Guides will also be mailed to Sonoma County voters beginning today, September 24. Voters who have not received a booklet by October 9 can call (707) 565-6800, email or visit the Registrar of Voters Office (435 Fiscal Dr, Santa Rosa), Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The County Voter Information Guide may also be viewed online at: LEARN MORE 

Measure Q

When you receive your Sonoma County voter guide, you'll see that Measure Q is up for vote in the Nov. 3, 2020, General Election. To maintain city services in Santa Rosa, the Santa Rosa City Council placed Measure Q on the ballot. Measure Q is a ½ cent local sales tax renewal measure that would extend the current tax rate but does not increase taxes. Measure Q would continue to provide locally controlled funding to maintain fire protection services, keep city parks and playgrounds clean and safe, improve disaster preparedness and response, repair potholes and maintain city streets. Learn more at

Health & Safety Update
Your health and safety are very important to us. 
We are all watching fires spread across the west coast and our hearts go out to those who have lost their homes, as well as those who have had to evacuate. As we respond to the many needs related to the fires in our communities, we want to provide you with resources to keep you healthy and safe.
If you or family members are affected by evacuations, please look at your state’s emergency services web page. Listen to reports in your area and follow all instructions given by authorities to stay safe. 
If you have chronic lung disease – asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis – be extra cautious about your exposure to poor air quality. Make sure you take your medications and continue to do your daily checks on your breathing levels. Contact your physician if you have any concerns. 
If there is smoke in your area: 
  • Avoid outdoor exercise and outdoor work  
  • Use your air conditioning unit on recycle to avoid outside air being pulled into your home 
  • Avoid using a whole-house fan or swamp cooler with an outside air intake 
  • Masks and cloth face coverings that help slow the spread of COVID-19 aren’t effective for smoke. Use an N95 mask if you must be outside. 
  • For air quality and tips on dealing with smoke  
We’re here for you. 
As life during the COVID-19 era and wildfire season continues to evolve, we’re here for you. We remain deeply committed to ensuring safe, high-quality care and will keep you updated on how to help protect yourself and your loved ones. Our sincerest wishes for your health and safety at this time.



THE OFFICE OF                                                  GIVE                             THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, 

At baptism, we promise to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being. Today, Episcopalians are turning out in cities and towns across the United States and beyond to make that promise real by demanding an end to systemic racism. With a gift to the BLESS Annual Appeal, you can support their ministry and The Episcopal Church’s witness for justice at this pivotal time. 

Please support the BLESS Annual Appeal with a gift today. 

You can make a gift three ways:

  • Online – BLESS Annual Appeal 
  • Call – April Frazier Gift Processing Officer – 212-716-6002 
  • Mail – DFMS-Protestant Episcopal Church US
  • P.O. Box 958983
    St. Louis, MO 63195-8983
    (note “Annual Appeal”)

Whichever way you choose, we are grateful for your support.

Thank you.

The Office of Development

“How to Be Anti-Racism”

Becoming Beloved Community –Book Study Opportunity! 



Something new is happening! For the first time, St. Patrick's will join the good folks of St John’s, Petaluma, St Stephen’s, Sebastopol, and Incarnation, Santa Rosa as a mini-deanery group to read How to Be an Antiracist, by Abram X. Kendi. We hope to begin the book study in October.


Kendi weaves an electrifying combination of ethics, history, law, and science with his own personal story of awakening to antiracism. This is an essential work for anyone who wants to go beyond the awareness of racism to the next step: contributing to the formation of a just and equitable society.

Praise for How to Be an Antiracist

“Ibram X. Kendi’s new book, How to Be an Antiracist, couldn’t come at a better time. . . . Kendi has gifted us with a book that is not only an essential instruction manual but also a memoir of the author’s own path from anti-black racism to anti-white racism and, finally, to antiracism. . . .  How to Be an Antiracist gives us a clear and compelling way to approach, as Kendi puts it in his introduction, ‘the basic struggle we’re all in, the struggle to be fully human and to see that others are fully human.’ ”—NPR

We’ll meet via Zoom every other week, committing to reading, listening to each other, and growing in our Baptismal promise to strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.

Please contact Miriam Casey (mlcasey7@yahoo.comor Helen Killeen ( to let us know you’re interested. We’ll be in touch about times and dates, and look forward to another amazing time of loving change! Stay tuned!
Contact Linda Sevier to order your book though the Incarnation church bookstore:
How to Be an Antiracist is available on Audible click here.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

The following educational offerings will be available on Zoom. Participants may need to purchase the required books as well as sign up for the specific course in order to receive the Zoom invitation.

Falling Upward, A spirituality for the Two Halves of Life
by Richard Rohr

See the source image

Falling Upward, A spirituality for the Two Halves of Life” by Richard Rohr continues!

Sharron Simpson will be hosting classes on Monday, September 21, 28, and October 5 & 12 at 4:00 p.m.

This class is an invitation to go deeper into self-awareness, Holy Mystery, and the unfolding of spiritual maturity. We will engage in reflection, vigorous discussion, Soul-full imagination, and prayer.  If you desire to be challenged, awakened, expanded in Spirit, join us!
Sharron can be reached at
In the coming weeks, she looks forward to meeting with you all to reflect, share and be challenged by Richard Rohr’s book FALLING UPWARD. (Please purchase the book, Falling Upward.)

Feel free to contact Sharron if you have any questions prior to meeting. 

"May there be JOY as we share with one another; DISCOVERY as we find clarity for how God is calling us at this season of our lives; and BLESSING as we go deeper together in Spirit."
   ~ Sharron Simpson

Sharron is a Spiritual Mentor, Educator and Storyteller and has taught several classes at St. Patrick’s.
“Falling Upward calls forth the promise within us and frees us to follow it into wider dimensions of our spiritual authenticity.” (Joanna Macy)


“Sacred Ground, a Film-based Dialogue Series on Race and Faith” will again be offered by the Commission for Intercultural Ministries of the Diocese beginning in September with facilitators Bob Wohlsen and Sharron Simpson. This is a ten- week course and does require the purchase of two books, Waking up White by Debbie Irving and Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman. Please read the description of the course included in this E Blast.  The website is  Contact Bob Wohlsen ( or 510-926-0286) for more information and to register. 
Having just completed this course, I highly recommend this life-changing opportunity to better understand America’s, and our church’s, historical role in racism and what our faith calls us to do to eradicate this sin.  The course continues every Thursday for 10 weeks. The dates are September 10, 17, 24; October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; November 5, 12.  Preparation for each class requires watching a video and reading selected articles and chapters in the required books.
The study of scripture continues with Priest Doyle every Wednesday at 9:00. 
On Wednesdays, Priest Doyle is currently leading a discussion on Acts.
Priest Doyle will lead the Wednesday Bible study on Gospel of John, September 30 – November 18.

  Our Parish Bible Study for the first of the year will be a study of the Gospel of Mark, on Wednesdays at 9:00 am, beginning January 6, and concluding February 16 by Zoom. .
In January and February, Karen King will offer classes on the Parables. Laurie Boone-Hogen will offer stand-alone topics of religious art .

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel so we will be able to live stream from this platform.  In order to achieve the required status to be able to livestream from YouTube, we need to have  1000 subscribers.  There will be no ads attached.
At the moment, we have 42 subscribers. 
We need 958 more!

Weekly Calendar

Mondays: “Falling Upward, A spirituality for the Two Halves of Life” by Richard Rohr will be offered by Sharron Simpson. Classes will be held on September 28th, October 5th & 12th at 4:00 p.m.

Tuesdays:  Morning Coffee Hour 
Let's meet over coffee! 10:00 a.m. Hosted by Eleanor Albon.  Send a note to Eleanor Albon and she will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 281-610-8043

Tuesdays:  Compline 
Let's share Compline together! 4:00 p.m. Hosted by Priest Doyle. 

Wednesdays: Parish Bible Study
 Join Priest Doyle for the study of Acts  9:00 a.m., hosted by Priest Doyle.

Thursdays: The Women's Bible Study
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 9:30 a.m. Send a note to Miriam Casey and she will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 650-380-2747

Thursdays: Happy Hour:
Enjoy your favorite beverage with a friend! From 5:00 p.m- 6:00 p.m., hosted by Anne and Rick Phillips.  Send a note to Anne and Rick Phillips and they will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 707-888-0642. Happy Hour will now meet monthly on the first Thursday of the month. Next scheduled meeting day will be September 3rd. Same time, same place!

Fridays: The Men's Bible Study:
Grow in your faith & walk with God! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Tom Allen and he will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 214-766-7209

Second Saturday of the Month: Women's Breakfast:
Fellowship over breakfast, a cup of coffee, or just to visit with us! 8:30 a.m.
Send a note to Eleanor Albon and she will ensure you receive a Zoom invitation. or 281-610-8043

** Women's Breakfast will meet on the second Saturday of the month. Our next Zoom gathering will be October 10th**   

Needs & Help

Acquiring groceries without going to the grocery store!
 Local Option -  Meal on Wheels

Oakmont Market will deliver groceries to Oakmont Residences with their normal $25 minimum order with no delivery fee. 

All payments will be made by credit card only to your front doorstep.
Call (707) 539-2434 to place your order.


Patrick's host Redwood Empire Food Bank Free Food Distribution right in our front church parking lot!!

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Closing Prayer

Let us pray.
Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people is governed and sanctified: Receive our supplications and prayers, which we offer before you for all members of your holy Church, that in their vocation and ministry they may truly and devoutly serve you; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you, in the unit of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.
Raise A Hallelujah

Please Support Saint Patrick's Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.

Priest Doyle Dietz Allen Contact Information   
Phone: 520-268-0366
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2020  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 247, Kenwood, CA 95452

Our physical address is:
9000 Sonoma Highway
Kenwood, CA 95452

Office Phone:

Priest Doyle Dietz Allen, Rector:
Bobbiejo Maggard, Parish Administrator:
Susan Hill,
The Rev. Karen King, Associate Priest:
The Rev. Edward A. Howell, Associate Priest:

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