
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis
Headwaters Foundation

AMA Announcements

Upcoming Events

Sign up for FREE Asian Hot Meals Pick Up

DATE/TIME: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until December 30th, 2020, 5:00pm-6:00pm
PLACE: 2418 Plymouth Ave N. Minneapolis, MN 55411. page.

FIRST, Register at
This form supports 中文, Hmoob, ไทย, and Tiếng Việt languages.
  • Asian Media Access invites all families in need to sign up for Asian hot meal distribution!!
  • Each Asian hot meal box will include rice or noodles with 2 delicious entrees and fruits. 
  • Limited to 13 families per day with 3 meal boxes per family, regardless of family size. Each family can be supported by a weekly pick-up, for up to 5 weeks.

Remember to Vote on Nov. 3rd!!

Have you voted yet?? If not, remember to cast your vote on Tuesday, Nov. 3 before 8pm. Visit to find out where to vote in person on Election Day. 

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Due to the Pandemic, many people choose to vote by mail, so far 1,186,522 people have already voted in Minnesota.  If you encounter any problems while voting, you can always call the national election protection hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE (or 1-888-API-VOTE for assistance in Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Tagalog, Urdu, Hindi and Bengali).  

REMINDER: Speed Limits Now at 20 MPH on City Residential Streets for Both City of Minneapolis and St. Paul

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Hennepin County Business Resource Network 

Hennepin County Business Resource Network supports FREE or low-cost re-opening Technical Assistance and emergency funding relief for small businesses.

All businesses and employers in MN now must develop and implement a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan prior to reopening. Businesses must ensure the Plan is evaluated, monitored, executed, and updated under the supervision of a designated Plan Administrator. Employers must ensure the Plan is posted at all of the business's workplaces in readily accessible locations that will allow for the Plan to be readily reviewed by all workers, as required.

For COVID-19 Preparedness Plan templates, please visit

All industry-specific guidance for re-opening can be found at

Program Updates

A Successful Completion of 13-week Fri Youth Online Forum 

Every Friday, AMA hosted a Zoom meeting where youth were able to speak out on key issues such as anti-racism, COVID-19, and violence prevention. One of the final topics discussed was Bicultural Healthy Living. When youth were asked what Bicultural Healthy Living meant, many of the youth did not know what that exactly entailed, "Is it gut health? Is it healthy eating?".  Although that is not quite what Bicultural Healthy Living is, we were glad to know that the youth were able to learn and explore important topics.

One way to define Bicultural Healthy Living is the ability to relate oneself to two or more cultures and environment in space and time. Although we had youth from all different walks of life join, they all shared the commonality of living with dual backgrounds. AMA strives to teach that people should not be ashamed of being bicultural, bur rather people should embrace all the different aspects. That being said, we discussed the important between cultural misappropriation and appreciation.

One of the youth shared, "I think that asking questions are great as long as the intentions are of pure curiosity than to mock, because I love when people ask me about my culture, and I usually overshare, like if someone asks me why I say "Tabi Tabi Po" when I go through a forest, I almost feel excited because I get to share things about my culture...". This is one example of how a youth practices Bicultural Healthy Living. AMA encourages embracing a multicultural lifestyle. We believe that it an effective method to promote optimal health and empower individuals. Bicultural individuals have the potential to live healthier lifestyles because they can take the best practices from each culture.

Whether it is food, music, or dance, in so many ways, we take distinct components from our native and host culture everyday. The youth touched on the different holidays celebrated such as New Years. Every culture has their own calendar of important dates to celebrate, and many of the youths incorporate them from their native cultures into their host cultures and vice versa. In some cultures, Halloween is not celebrated, but they have adopted this tradition living in the U.S. It is important for youth to understand that being bicultural and bilingual is empowering, and they have an advantage that is worth embracing.

We are pleased to announce that AMA will be hosting future Friday Youth Online Forums in January 2021 for another 13 weeks. There will be new topics every week!

 Please Beware of the DIFFERENT DAYS Impacting COVID-19


Asian American Youth have taken on the leadership to urge their cultural communities to vote!!!

Asian Media Access has partnered with 8 local Cultural Entities as the Collaborative P.H.U.N. (Positively Healthy U Network)to building a platform together to connect Asian Pacific American communities in MN (APA ComMNet) to ensure the critical information reached diverse cultural groups, such as: COVID-19, etc.

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All cultural entities from diverse Asian subgroups have recommended their talented young people who can read/write the heritage languages to AMA and serve as Cultural Brokers to learn Digital Communication skills. They will then create, share, and translate critical information to support their own cultural groups.  
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 With weekly 6 hours training from AMA, these young Cultural Brokers will:
  • attain a superior level of competency in layout design and written communication (Writing Learning);
  • achieve the ability to communicate in multiple media (Multimedia Learning);
  • promote understanding, compassion, and action for the common good through their media creations (Social Justice Learning), topics may range from: COVID-19 Testing, Voting through Mails, importance of research data, problem gambling, and other disparities subjects; and
  • articulate their transferable and professional skills, for potential Multimedia/IT Career Pathway, such as: Animation (Professional Career Learning).

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Currently, as youth are busy learning the multimedia skills, they are also generating the Voting Postcards in diverse languages to urge more Asian Americans to vote.  Many innovative ideas were created, messages like: "Your Vote determines the FUTURE," or "Please Vote for everyday you want your children and grandchildren to grow up with"  Below are few examples of youth's creative ideas.   Please check on weblog for more of their works.  

Community News

A mural painted by the PiM Arts High School depicting 5 African Americans that have died while interacting with the police. Names under each portrait - Garner, Taylor, Rice, Castile, and Floyd. Also shows an African American lady with a raised fist in a t-shirt that says "Melanin." And on the very left side, words "I am not a threat" covering the upper half of an African American face.
Photo courtesy: Walking Meditation from Wat Promwachirayan

Celebrate the Owámni Falling Water Festival throughout November

DATE: October 15- November 1, 2020 
PLACE: Online, Visit
Photo of kids playing a game at Owamni Falling Waters FetsivalOwámni means “falling water” in the Dakota language, making it an apt name for a festival beside the only waterfall on the Mississippi River. However, due to COVID-19, we were unable to host this event in person. That doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate.
During the month of November we will offer opportunities for people to continue to learn about Dakota and Indigenous culture, share Dakota/American Indian culture with the broader Minneapolis community, and make the Indigenous cultures more visible.

The 2020 Virtual Twin Cities Jewish Film Festival

DATE: October 15- November 1, 2020 
PLACE: Online, Visit

A virtual festival featuring 8 outstanding film events, including feature length & short films, post-film conversations and more – all from the comfort of your home.

Simply register for an ALL FESTIVAL PASS and you can enjoy one or all films from October 15 through November 1. Plus, check out links to engaging post-film conversations with filmmakers and aficionados on the TCJFF website.

The 2020 Virtual Twin Cities Jewish Film Festival is FREE to the community, thanks to the generosity of the Mary and Julius Pertzik Jewish Cultural Arts Fund.

MnDOT to launch Disadvantage Business Enterprise Business Academy

DATE: Begins Thursday, November 5, 2020
PLACE: Free online, Register

The purpose of the DBE Business Academy is to assist small businesses in identifying the essential core areas necessary to be successful in their business and to win MnDOT work. This multi-level program instructs from the perspective of a business owner. MnDOT contracted with IMO Consulting Group to administer the DBE Business Academy.

The DBE Business Academy focuses on bringing tools and subject matter experts to educate and assist the small business owner in areas such as: bidding MnDOT work, business financials and accounting, business operations, marketing strategies and contract law.  The DBE Business Academy includes five areas of focus and each include a beginner, intermediate, and advanced level. Upon attending courses, DBE’s will be by assigned a mentor and one-on-one meetings will be scheduled to focus in more depth on the DBE’s specific needs as they strive to improve their business.

CSFA Tagalog Class

DATE/TIME: November 6, 13, 20, 2020, 6:30pm-8:30pm
PLACE: Online, Register

This upcoming October and November, CSFA will be hosting a Tagalog language course on Friday nights. 

Lessons will incorporate discussions of common daily language within families, friends, and social gatherings, with an emphasis on norms and values like respect to the elders.

The language course is available to all ages, genders, etc. We encourage you to join no matter what skill level you are. The class is free, but we do suggest a donation to CSFA.

Event page:

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University of MN - FREE - Advance Youth Equity Series

DATE/TIME: Friday, November 6, 2020, 9:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC:Addressing hurtful ways that adultism shows up
Explore how adultism is harmful to young people, examine how these behaviors show up in nonprofits, and identify actions to create change

DATE/TIME: Friday, November 20, 2020, 9:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Free online webinar, register
TOPIC:Sharing power with youth
 Examine different youth engagement frameworks, define equity from a youth perspective, and learn how to share power with young people

To extend learnings from our 2019-20 Youth Equity Learning Cohort to the wider youth development community, this fall we are partnering with the Youth Leadership Initiative to host a series of free virtual Youth Equity workshops and technical assistance. These workshops will introduce what it means to use an equity lens in youth work. Each session will provide different frameworks and concepts to analyze our mindsets, behaviors and structures. Participants will reflect on their personal role in creating equitable systems for young people to thrive. Everyone will walk away feeling energized to change and will have practical ideas to improve their programs. Attending all three workshops is not required, but is highly recommended. 

AMAZEworks Workshop

DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 5, 2020,  9:00am-11:00am 
PLACE: Online, Register
Behaviors that Trigger Negative Bias

We are most likely to act on our implicit biases when we are triggered by stressful situations. Participants in this workshop will unpack the behaviors from others that they personally struggle with in different environments, reflect on their responses to those behaviors, and examine how implicit bias influences these responses in ways that might unintentionally result in negative outcomes and experiences for others.

Community Based Organization and COVID-19

DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 5, 2020
3:30–4:30 PM ET, Register

Please join the CDC Foundation, CDC scientists, and community based organizations in a discussion about the important role Community Based Organizations (CBOs) can play in encouraging the adoption of measures to protect communities from COVID-19.  
On Thursday, November 5, the CDC Foundation is hosting a webinar focused on the critical role community based organizations play in sharing information with their key stakeholders around protective measures for COVID-19. This webinar will provide participants the opportunity to hear from a number of subject matter experts as well as share insights from their work in communities.  Please register and join us for this webinar.

Hindu Society of Minnesota presents Diwali Dhamaka event

DATE/TIME: Saturday, November 7, 2020,  2:00pm
PLACE: Online, Zoom

Image may contain: night, text that says 'SHOW ASE YOUR, TALENT! DIWALI DHAMAKA HINDU SOCIETY OF MINNESOTA HSMN' FIRSTEVER ONLINE COMMUNITY TALENT SHOW DON'T MISS OUT! REGISTER NOW! SATURDAY NOV 7TH 2PM ONWARDS ZOOM OUR MEDIA PARTNER TVASIA TELUGUHD QUESTIONS? MAIL:GROUPS.TALENT2020@HSMN.ORG'HSMN's first ever online community talent show. Get Excited! This year has been like no other, so HSMN has planned a Diwali Celebration like no other! We are so excited to present Diwali Dhamaka, a safe, virtual showcase of all the talented people in our community and extended community throughout USA and other parts of the world. 
We will be showcasing dancing, singing, playing instrumental music and MORE! Enjoy exclusive entertainment from the comfort of your home!

Event Link:

FREE Online Community Building - Super Forum 2020

DATE/TIME: Week 1 November 9-13, 2020
PLACE: Online, Register here

this week is all about you. How you can create and refine a member engagement strategy that meets your members’ needs? Join like-minded professionals to talk strategy and tactics around building member engagement.
(CAE credits will be available)

DATE/TIME: Week 2 November 16-20, 2020
PLACE: Online, Register here

Immerse yourself in a week of discussions around customer engagement. How can you use an online community to scale your customer success programs, help your company become more customer centric, and build retention and loyalty in your customer base?

Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA) Southside Summit

DATE/TIME: November 9, 11, 13, 2020
PLACE: Online, Register

Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association (PPNA) is proud to present the first annual Southside Summit, a virtual conference on November 9th, 11th, and 13th, 2020. A slate of expert panelists and community leaders will face six issues impacting the community through a series of interactive workshops.  Minneapolis residents, activists, business owners, and anyone who sees themselves as a community leader is invited and encouraged to attend.

2020 Key Community Issues: 

11/9 Housing Justice, Education Justice,
11/11 Equitable Development, Environmental Justice,
11/13 Safety and Livability, and Self-care and Wellness

3 days + 6 workshops inspire you for the year ahead
Register for all six sessions for just $25* and connect with changemakers, resources and your community.
*Stipends are available for those who need them

Event Link:
Event Registration:

Wellness Recovery Action Plan Workshops

DATE/TIME: Monday, November 9 - Tuesday November 10, 2020, 9:00am-4:30pm
PLACE: St. Cloud Area residents will be given priority if spots are limited. Register Wellness Recovery Action Plan

DATE/TIME: Thursday, November 19 - Friday November 20, 2020, 9:00am-4:30pm
PLACE: Buffalo, Monticello and Elk River residents will be given priority if spots are limited.
Register: Wellness Recovery Action Plan 

The Wellness Recovery Action Plan® or WRAP® is a prevention and wellness process that anyone can use to get well, and stay well. Every person can benefit from development of a wellness plan, especially in 2020!

Participate in this online seminar to create your own wellness plan. Learn about ways to decrease difficult emotions and improve your sense of well-being and hope. Then share your insights with family and friends. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Everyone is welcome. Registration is required. Materials will be sent to you.  

Food for Health: Breaking Bread & Breaking Barriers with Celebrity Chef, Carla Hall

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 2:00pm-3:30pm
PLACE: Online, Register

Join experts from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health (SPH), along with leaders from five community organizations as they explore the current state of food insecurity and food inequities. Together, we will celebrate positive examples of how community partnerships are pursuing food and racial justice in midst of COVID-19 and the significant challenges brought on by the pandemic. Moderated by celebrity chef Carla Hall, our virtual conversation will focus on leveraging partnerships to scale up solutions and maximize impact.

Event Website:

Aging in the Time of COVID - a virtual three-part workshop series

DATE/TIME: November 10, 17, and 24 2020, 2:00pm-3:30pm
PLACE: Register

A November series, sponsored by the Andover YMCA and the Estates of Arbor Oaks. Registration ends on November 6. You can find more information by clicking on the flyer icon to the right and downloading it. 

A three-session interactive Zoom series on successive Tuesdays in November to expand our positive view of aging during the challenges of COVID and determine for ourselves which values and key contributors we want to emphasize to continue leading meaningful and satisfying lives.

TPT Morning Lives Presents: Art is Healing

ART IS... Healing

DATE: Thursday, November 12, 2020, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
PLACE: Online, Register
ART IS Season 3’s second event featuring a multimedia showcase performed by Minnesota artists Lady Midnight, MaLLy, and Damuen Strange.

Witt Siasoco is a multidisciplinary artist who brought together three artists working in sound design and music. Beyond entertainment, social gathering, and aesthetics, the cohort believes art has the power to heal. Artists featured include the ethereal, multidisciplinary songstress Lady Midnight; the fiery, introspective rapper MaLLy; and the afrofuturistic sound composer Damuen Strange.

Minnesota is a haven for artists – some of them well-known, others we still need to meet. That’s why TPT – Twin Cities PBS launched ART IS…, a multi-media and events series aimed at bringing visibility to emerging and established artists in new ways. We hope you will join us for this event as we kick off season 3!

State of Asian Minnesotans: Radically Reimagining Our Future

DATE: Friday, November 13, 2020, 3:00pm-4:30pm
PLACE: Online, Register
Join us in the aftermath of the November elections for our State of Asian Minnesotans: Radically Reimagining Our Future session on Friday, November 13 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM! We will address the results of the November 3 election and understand what the current political moment means for our future as Asian Americans. We will also hear from Minnesotan organizers about their work to create visionary alternatives to the world as it is, knowing that regardless of who is in office, we must continue our work to dream and build a world where all of us can thrive.

ImageThe State of Asian Minnesotans Series takes a critical look at the state and progress of Asian/Asian Americans in Minnesota, and consider what else we can do to tap into the assets of, and ensure inclusion of this community. We invite subject experts, researchers, community members, and thought leaders that increase audience knowledge, challenge and allow audiences to dive deeper into their understandings of this population, and provide new thinking and tools for audiences to consider as they work with Asian Minnesotan communities.

GLOW Holiday FestivalGlow' Holiday Festival To Light Up The State Fairgrounds – WCCO | CBS  Minnesota

DATE: Thursday, November 19, 2020- January 3, 2021 
PLACE: Minnesota State Fairgrounds
GLOW Holiday Festival is Minnesota’s newest holiday light experience and must-see wintertime attraction at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. The Great Minnesota Holiday Get-Together is a one mile drive-thru featuring over a million holiday lights, a 100-foot lit tree, icicle and art installations, a festive gingerbread house, plus a State Fair food parade finale! Each night of GLOW benefits a community charity working to better our world during the season of giving.

Stronger Together: Black Liberation and Asian Solidarity

DATE: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 5:00pm
PLACE: Online, RSVP here
The USC Pacific Asia Museum, the Chinese American Museum, and JANM present Stronger Together: Black Liberation and Asian Solidarity. Join a discussion on this historic moment in the movement for Black lives, and the importance of cross-movement solidarity and coalitional consciousness. Panelists include Melina Abdullah, Co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles and Professor of Pan-African Studies; Warren T. Furutani, Co-founder of the Manzanar Committee and former California State Assemblymember; and Kai Naima Williams, Author and Executive Director of Eat At The Table Theatre Company. The conversation will be moderated by Sandra So Hee Chi Kim, Founder and Co-Executive Director of Asian American Justice + Innovation Lab. They will reflect on the history of Black-Asian solidarity and what we can learn from the past in order to live in a liberated future. The panel will also offer thoughts on how we move forward following the much anticipated November 3rd presidential election results.

4-Part FREE Adolescent SBIRT Webinar 

DATE: Thursday, November 19 - Friday 20, 2020
PLACE: Online, Mix and match the many offered dates, view full schedule
One of the largest barriers to providing appropriate substance use services to adolescents is getting them to open up about their use and engage in conversation to reduce or eliminate it, if necessary. This four-part webinar series introduces health professionals to the SBIRT model as a way to learn from adolescents about their substance use, talk about what might motivate them to make a decision to reduce or abstain (if needed), and execute a plan to do so. 
  • Substance Use Screening Tools for Adolescents Presented by Ken C. Winters, PhD, and Brett Harris, DrPH
  • Brief Intervention for Adolescents Part I: BNI Using MI Strategies Presented by Ken C. Winters, PhD, and Carolyn Swenson, MSPH, MSN, RN
  • Brief Intervention for Adolescents Part II: BNI Using MI and CBT Strategies Presented by Ken C. Winters, PhD, and Carolyn Swenson, MSPH, MSN, RN
  • Discussing Options and Referring Adolescents to Treatment Presented by Ken C. Winters, PhD

MN Hmong New Year Virtual Celebration

DATE: Friday, November 27, 2020, 6:00pm-9:00pm
PLACE: Online
Save the Date! This will be broadcast live worldwide from one location thanks to the sponsorship and help of Unison Restaurant and Banquet and Saint Paul Public Library on November 27th 6pm CDT.
Join us as we celebrate with various performances of singing and dancing. Be sure to check back with us as we will be updating with performers and more info very soon! Please message us to see if there's still room to perform. Always looking to help share great talents out there!

Please also message LUXE for sponsorship/partnership opportunities as it will be limited.
Funded by the Minnesota Arts & Culture Heritage Fund.

Be Water - Bruce Lee

DATE: Friday, November 27, 2020, 8:00pm
PLACE: Free Tickets Online, Register:

Be Water
Join HIFF for a special ONE DAY ONLY FREE online screening and post-film panel on what would have been Bruce Lee's 80th Birthday. Confirmed panelists include BE WATER director Bao Nguyen, Bruce Lee Enterprises CEO and daughter Shannon Lee.  

Martial artist. Actor. Philosopher. Choreographer. Filmmaker. Legend. These words summarize the Asian American icon who inspired the world with his groundbreaking work before dying mysteriously and suddenly at the age of 32. Yet many often forget that he was a man who struggled against many limitations: racism, xenophobia, and even his own ego. Bruce Lee made the most of his time on Earth, reminding us all of the importance of adaptation, persistence, and ambitious in the pursuit of greatness: in short, to be water.

BE WATER is a feature-length documentary that offers a unique glimpse into the man behind the myth, featuring interviews from celebrity friends, members of his own family, and even private letters written by Bruce Lee. BE WATER premiered at Sundance 2020 and competed in the U.S. Dramatic Feature competition. In June, it had its U.S. broadcast debut on ESPN as part of the sports broadcaster’s 30 on 30 documentary series, breaking ratings records. It is an official selection of the 2020 Cannes Film Festival in the Cannes Classics section.

Leading through Crisis—The Importance of Mindset, Self-Care, and Leader Resilience Webinar

DATE: Wednesday, November 28, 2020,3:00pm-3:45pm
PLACE: Online, Register  ASTHO webinar 
Leading webinar image
During this uplifting session, Marissa Levine (alumni-VA) will draw on her 16 years of state government service and expertise in leadership to share the important role of mindset, self-care, and resilience with public health professionals leading during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Speaker: Marissa J. Levine, MD, MPH, Professor and Director, Center for Leadership in Public Health Practice, University of South Florida College of Public Health
This event is part of ASTHO's Insight & Inspiration: Monthly Conversations that Matter for Public Health Leaders in the Era of COVID-19 series.

YMCA George Wellbeing Hosts Daily Community Response Group Acupuncture Pop-Ups

DATE: Monday through Fridays, September-December 2020
PLACE/TIME: 6-12 participants per session; ages 18 plus

Blaisdell YMCA on 3335 Blaisdell Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408

Midway YMCA on 1761 University Ave W, St Paul, MN 55104

George Wellbeing, an initiative of the YMCA of the North which is a leading nonprofit dedicated to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, will be offering free community group acupuncture starting September 8 through December 2020 at the Blaisdell and Midway YMCAs for Y members and the public.

The sessions will follow health and wellbeing expert guidance including hosting the sessions in large studios with additional ventilation and limiting the number of participants being served at a time to create safe physical distancing.

"Health and wellbeing isn’t just about our individual goals of working out and eating right, our wellbeing also needs healing practices in community settings that allow for deep restoration, compassionate connection, and a holistic approach to feeling well,” said Sally St. John, senior director of wellbeing and integrative care at the Y.

St. John adds, “Sustaining our energy and wellbeing through the long complex journey towards health, equity and inclusion is difficult. Our bodies hold generational and current day stress, anxiety, depression and trauma that make it a windy road. Therefore, self-care practices need to intersect with community-care actions to create a successful social justice equation.”

“The YMCA is honored to be working in partnership with Bill and Penny George and The George Family Foundation to provide integrative healing practices to the community,” said Glen Gunderson, president and CEO of the Y.  “When individuals and communities are given the right to self-care practices, people start believing their lives matter, their choices matter and their journey can be something to embrace rather than fear.”

Food Tank: Resetting the Food System

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, December 1, 2020, 8:00am EST/9:00am CST
PLACE: Online, Register

Resetting the Food System from Farm to Fork: Setting the Stage for the 2021 U.N. Food Systems Summit

Join distinguished speakers and explore how we all play a role in re-aligning the global food system with human needs and within planetary boundaries—to end hunger, improve health, sustain livelihoods and protect the natural environment. Let’s make the future grow!

Save the Date: Closing the Achievement Gaps Community Town Hall

DATE/TIME: Thursday, December 3, 2020, 6:00pm-7:00pm

"Minnesota's economists find Minnesota has some of the nation’s largest education achievement gaps, with disparities across race and income categories, in traditional public and charter schools, and in both urban and rural areas of the state.

We need to amend our constitution to establish that all Minnesota children have a fundamental right to a quality education. Nearly 80 percent of Minnesotans back a constitutional amendment to guarantee a quality public education for all children, public opinion research shows."

Join India Association of Minnesota & Partner Organizations for an interactive conversation with Justice Page & President Kashkari on why we need to work to amend the Minnesota constitution to make equal right to quality public education a fundamental right for all children.

AMAZEworks Workshop

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, December 8, 2020,  9:00am-11:00am 
PLACE: Online, Register
TOPIC: White Fragility: When Good People Behave Badly

Often, good intentions receive more attention than the negative impacts they may produce. In the same way that white superiority created the systems and structures we have in place, it also created the ability for the people who benefit to overlook the effects on those who are marginalized or injured. When confronted with these truths, the reactions of many if not most white Americans fall under the category of white fragility. This is an intense focus on the feelings of white people when their understanding of themselves and their world is challenged. White fragility feeds on the fact that white people generally do not see themselves in racial terms and therefore are not affected by racism. It also works through a simplistic understanding of racism and a belief that white people are generally objective and free of bias. This webinar highlights the ways white fragility appears in the workplace and how it can be addressed for individual and organizational growth. 

Next Generation of Parks™ Event Series A "Wild and Rare" Talk

DATE/TIME: Thursday, December 10, 2020, 7:00pm 
PLACE: Online, Register

Adam Regn Arvidson is Director of Strategic Planning for the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, and an award-winning author of two non-fiction books about nature and the environment, including most recently, Wild and Rare: Tracking Endangered Species in the Upper Midwest.

Wild and Rare is an exploration of the ways in which humans are knowingly and unknowingly interconnected with the natural world, through the lens of 10 of our state's most iconic species and their landscapes - lillies, mussels, plovers, roseroot, butterflies, and the lynx, among them.

In this dynamic live event, you'll meet a cast of plant, animal, and human characters that will help you look at our delightfully diverse neck of the woods anew.

Y-U Study for Physical Activity & Wellbeing

If you are 50 years of age and older and would like to learn more about how to stay well and active, the Y-U Study (a partnership between the YMCA of the North and the University of Minnesota) may be right for you. There is no cost for taking part for the 8-week online group sessions, and YMCA member and non-members are welcome.

Program is slated to start in late January 2021 until March.

Participants will attend screening visits, and if eligible, be randomly assigned (like the flip of a coin) to one of two group programs, 9 weeks in length.

There is an initial week to help people get acquainted with Zoom (we staff it with 6-8 tech helpers so the help is very individualized and personal) before the program starts.
Mindful Movement: This group program focuses on teaching techniques to help adults manage their thoughts and emotions and overcome barriers associated with exercise. You will also learn how mindfulness can help your overall health and wellbeing.

Keys to Health & Wellbeing: This group program covers information about things you can do to enhance your own health and wellbeing. You will be introduced to different health-related topics important for people 50 years of age and older.  Eligible participants receive compensation for time and travel if enrolled into the study.

Event web site:
Event Registration:
Contact Email:
Contact phone: (612) 626-2224

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