Central Notes
October 14, 2020 
Sunday Sign Up!

We have made it to Ephesians and women, submission, and headship...and we have promised to offend everyone. That makes it the "don't miss" sermon of the year. Come ready to think and maybe re-think relationships and the Bible and real life. 

Come to 9:00am or 11:00am services on Sunday. We are no longer limiting the number of weeks you can attend -- come as much as you would like! We are requesting that you still sign up so that we know we are able to have a seat for everyone who wants to come. Only one person from your family/quarantine bubble needs to sign up for your family.

 We will still be livestreaming service at 11:00am.
Remember you are a valued part of Central online or in person. Please do what you feel comfortable doing. 
See all available dates
Looking Ahead...

I have had two opportunities the last two days to drive outside the city, and the colors are stunning! Please take  time this week to look outside your windows, take a walk, or take a drive and drink in God's glory shown in creation. And after you do so, spend some time giving thanks. I know, it isn't "Thanksgiving Month" yet, but every day is a day for giving thanks. It is easy to lose ourselves in the darkness and chaos. Take some time to see the light and thank God for it.

The staff has been spending some time the last few weeks looking ahead. Here are some dates to get on your calendar.

H2O Food Box Packing and Distribution 
Nov. 20 and Dec. 19
Look for lists of needs coming soon. 

"God Goes Before Us" Testimony Thanksgiving Sunday
Nov. 21
What "God goes before us" story
do you have to share with us?

Advent Labyrinth
Nov. 29
This prayerful walk of light is a meaningful
way to begin the Advent season.

Advent is a yearly time to prepare our hearts and our lives for celebrating the coming of Jesus. Don't miss some of the ways we will be offering for you to actively prepare. 

Annual Society Meeting
Saturday, Dec. 5, 10 a.m.
This meeting will be held by Zoom and in person. We will give a report on the state of the church, vote on 2021 budget and delegates, and pray together for what God has prepared for the coming year. 

Christmas Eve Service
Dec. 24

If you are interested in serving or assisting please let us know. We are brainstorming ways to do things the same and yet different during this unique year. Would you also join us in praying for these next few months of closing a year that has all of us a little (or a lot) off kilter? Pray for creativity, openness to the small, new ways to connect to God and others. 

I've been so encouraged to see small groups of people gathering to learn, pray, encourage, and serve over the last 7 months. From LIFT groups, to committees, to one time service projects, to outdoor gatherings with friends, to special deliveries. We are connecting through old-fashioned mail and phone calls and new-fangled Zoom calls and live-streaming. God is doing big things through small groups. Don't miss the opportunities to be a part of the light. 

Thank you for shining your light in so many ways, Central. 

God still goes before us!
Pastor Joanna

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