Why Alinker?
In this newsletter you will read about Valerie, an occupational therapist with MS, who has been Alinkering for 4 years, an ad campaign that supports women in business, Monica and the best day with her big boy, BE's presentation 'ACCESS', and new campaigns announcement! 
When design matches your determination. The Alinker is a mindset thing! Enjoy!

Mastercard supports
women in business 

Since we do not run ads on Facebook (too much hate and misinformation), we appreciate this Mastercard - SHEEO campaign so much
and this campaign gets better when you amplify it! 

Since The Alinker was selected to be a SHEEO venture in 2017, everything changed. SheEO is a radically generous community supporting women + non-binary people working on the World’s To-Do List. SHEEO has changed BE's life, and it is because of SHEEO that The Alinker is here and alive and available to you and all of the over 5000 people in the world who now use an Alinker!  

More people need to know about the Alinker and SHEEO, and you can help!
You can help give us more exposure by sharing, liking and sending it around. 

Please DO
share, like, comment directly these posts



Thank you, this really has an impact, you are part of it all
Together we can build a movement for a healthier world

with love, BE



I had the best day with this happy, smart “big boy”.

I love being able to have fun with my grands again!

And he loved riding with me too❤️

This life changing helper has brought me back to life, and life back to me😊

I’ve named her, “Velma”

great times ahead.


Valerie Kline 
Occupational Therapist with MS

 4 years of Alinkering

I am always adapting my life to the never-ending changes with MS!

While my strength is still good enough to lift my Alinker into my van, my balance since having Covid is worse. Falling backwards is a reality not to be ignored. The lesions in my cerebellum, an area of the brain that supports balance control is causing this worsening impaired balance.
The thought of smashing my head open - not fun!

So after trying out an accessible used van which didn't help and was too expensive, I decided on an electric cargo lift. I got one wide enough that my recumbent trike fits on it too. When we travel to bike trails the recumbent trike goes on the lift and my spouse Mark, puts my Alinker inside the van.

Taking my Alinker to work everyday on the lift, I can be independent again. 🙂

Now I am an advertisement for the Alinker wherever I go. 

Snippets from a diary 2016-2020

2016 Anticipating the Alinker and initial goal 
My world had gotten smaller with coping with MS. Tripping and falling keeps me from wanting to walk. The thought of being able to walk the mile around a lake trail nearby with my Alinker has me feeling expansive and free. 

Example of the physiological benefit 
My hamstrings and calves are trained on the Alinker, besides the additional physiological benefits.

The full circle of life
I just did a great 45 min walk tonight and love that I can bring the Alinker right up to my couch and then collapse. It takes my MS legs a good 30 minutes to recover.

I was educated in the plasticity of the brain to create new pathways and compensate for damaged areas. When I had to use a wheelchair at the airport in April, I remember how my brain just shut down and took the ride and there was no demand on my brain to make my legs move. There was no weight bearing through my legs. I am thoroughly amazed at what I can do with the Alinker.

Expanding world
I went outside for lunch at work, twice this past week, I have avoided it for years. The cafe is located at the far end of the hospital and it was a non-essential activity but an occasional treat I enjoyed. Walking with my pole and carrying a cup, 'not gonna happen' without tripping. 

My right wrist would begin to hurt using my pole, a residual pain from the fall on concrete last year. I had to pause if I needed to make eye contact.  Now with the Alinker I can whiz down the hallway, easily make eye contact again and I seem to have permanent smile on my face.  Gosh I feel like I am 5 years old again!

I went to the Botanical Gardens and was out for 4.5 hours on the Alinker stopping for lunch and meandering around the gardens. Beautiful cooler cloudy day and I love sharing the Alinker! 

I feel it is a natural extension of my daily life and I feel so secure using it. I use the Alinker every day, it a part of my life now!

and in the winter? You grease up the axels of the front wheels and you go! 

The BE hive


We do so much more than selling Alinkers at the Alinker company, we always say, it's not about the bike. Beyond the bike we see it as our vehicle for change. Sometimes it is hard to explain, so maybe this helps get more insight into how and what. This is a pecha kucha presentation BE did in Guangzhou on the 21st September for the Dutch Days. 20 slides at 20 seconds each. Enjoy! 
18th October - 10 new campaigns LIVE! 

We are going to launch 10 new campaigns during a LIVE on Instagram

CLICK here
on Sunday 18th October 1pm EST

We are currently not accepting new applications to crowdfund on the Alinker website.
We have a waiting list and would like to accommodate those who are waiting
before accepting new campaigners.

If you need further assistance or would like more information
on crowdfunding on your own, please email
NEW campaigns on 18th October!

Useful links

Visit active campaigns and donate
Get support for setting up your campaign
Order your Alinker
Rent-to-own your Alinker
Get help with orders and sizing

Who to contact in your country


Before contacting us directly, please review our FAQs

  • Italy: EMAIL 
  • South Africa: EMAIL 
  • Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia: EMAIL
  • United Kingdom: EMAIL
  • Australia: WEB
  • New Zealand: WEB
  • Switzerland, Germany, Austria: EMAIL
  • The Netherlands: WEB
  • Elsewhere: EMAIL 
For all international inquiries outside our distribution regions email here

"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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