Not on Your Team - New Single Out Now

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Not on Your Team (single) out now

This recording was another collaboration with Ric Hordinski (producer and founding member of Over The Rhine) who contributed a strings arrangement for the tune. The single was tracked with producer Nathan Yacino (Soundgarden/Pearl Jam) in Seattle with Sydney Metcalf on cello, Aleida Gehrels on viola and Tony Green on acoustic bass. Continuing in a tradition of songs inspired by literature (The secret Life of Emily Dickinson, Pleasure to Burn, A Russian Murder Ballad), "Not on Your Team" was inspired by a literary study of The Book of Amos.

Official Video

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Keeper of sheep
beneath the sycamore tree
Lost his taste for wine
from all those debutantes who would not grieve

Are you sublime, like the morning?
Are you mysterious like the stillness of the deep?
Are you complex like a forest?
I Am not as you seem,
I Am not on your team

He draped himself in the American flag
he wore her wealth like a body bag
The silver tongues of liars flow from rivers into streams
pooling up around the statute of your liberty

Are you sublime, like the morning?
Are you mysterious like the stillness of the deep?
Are you complex like a forest?
I Am not as you seem,
I Am not on your team

She was the church
like a scandalous bride,
took the devil into dine
and he made darkness of her light

Are you sublime, like the morning?
Are you mysterious like the stillness of the deep?
Are you complex like a forest?
I Am not as you seem,
I Am not on your team

The lion roars as shepherds weep, the lion roars...


Democracy does not happen on its own. Lot's of real ugly stuff has happened this year to make it harder and harder for a lot of people to vote. Don't be discouraged by political power plays - make a statement instead by voting early (by mail) or in person. This year could not be more important. -Robert
“Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the Beloved Community, a nation and world society at peace with itself.”
-John Lewis




THE BOX SET (TWO copies left)
Almost extinct - includes ALL CD's (including out-of-print releases).


Beloved (CD & Vinyl)
12" Vinyl ($20), CD ($10), & Download ($10)

Heart Like Feathers (CD/DVD/Book) $10
This Limited Edition BOOK/CD/DVD is the most beautiful record we ever made.

This Bar Has No One Left (CD)
SOLD OUT (out of print except in box sets).

EarthSide Down (CD)
SOLD OUT (out of print except in box sets).

Days Like These (CD)
SOLD OUT (out of print except in box sets).

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