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So, <<First Name>>,

Can I share a personal update with you today, and and somethings that are both spiritual and practical? I promise I'm gonna let you know how this relates to you as well. 

In fact, I have 3 important things to share (it's all related) that I know can help you see major benefits & abundance IF you take action on them.

Let's get into it.

So, I recently started working a FULL-TIME work from home job.

This means I’ll be managing full-time single MOM responsibilities, employee responsibilities, AND staying aligned with my purpose. It's non-negotiable, PURPOSE is necessary.

Right now this is what life looks like for me, doing EMPLOYMENT + PURPOSE.

Now that I’ll be receiving this bi-weekly paycheck, I know there’s 3 important things I must do to in order to use this opportunity as fuel for my purpose and my future. 

And that’s EXACTLY what I’m going to share with you, so keep reading. 

But first, let me tell you...

The opportunity that shows up in your life might not be the WHOLE vision. But a seed of the dream IS very likely within the opportunity you’ve been given.


Don’t throw away the fishing pole because it’s not the fish that you prayed for.

Early last week, after day 1 of my new job, I was DOWN. I was feeling like “God, this is not what I asked for and I don’t know if I can do all of this.”

And then this HIT me:

It’s really easy to squander opportunities with negative, limited and scarcity-mentality thinking. 

See, It’s not about the “job” SAVING you (or me) and affording all of the things you need,

its about the SEED of opportunity and whether you are going to plant that seed in fertile soil and care for it, OR not.

Important mindset check about "jobs":

Jobs might not be our destiny, purpose or vision, but jobs are a source of money. And Money is a valuable resource. So we should be resourceful & ALIGNED with money and our use of money. ESPECIALLY regarding our purpose and vision. 

I’ve made this crucial mistake before: 

Failing to strategically use my money to invest in my destiny.

And not only did I misuse my money at that time, I also blamed OTHER people for not supporting my dreams.

This is how you use money in an aligned manner, no matter how MUCH or LITTLE you are working with.

3 Important Ways to Use Money No Matter what stage of Purpose or Prosperity You are Currently At.


  1. “The Trusty 10” Giving to Trusted Spiritual & Holy organizations, regularly & systematically. (Also known as tithing).
  • give 10% of your earnings.
  1. “Give + Gift Graciously” Giving “gifts” and charitable donations above and beyond the regular or “standard” giving of 10%.
  • go above and beyond the 10%.
  1. “Aligned & Abundant Investing” in yourself. Investing money in things that support your purpose, goals and self development. 
  • make smart purchases that are no doubt INVESTMENTS into your purpose.


Now, you know. But WHEN will you DO?

Take action in these 3 things, with some faith and belief in the divine and mysterious nature of life, and things are going to begin to happen SO abundantly that it will feel like magic. 

**Hint, it’s not magic, its the organized & systematic way that God works. 

I would be going against my TESTED & PROVEN faith if I led you to believe that this is anything other than God. 

I hope this reached you today - it was certainly a mix of the practical, the personal and the spiritual. 

✨To aligned Purpose and Abundance✨

Dorothy Marie

PS: Hit reply and let me know if you want me to talk about these 3 things in a video!




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