October  2020 Rosebud UDDATE

AAUW Houston-Peach Branch

October 2020


October 2020 President's Message

Hey, y'all.  Well, I thought Fall was here, but high 80s and low 90s is not my idea of Fall weather.  But you know what they say about the weather in Georgia—if you don't like it, just wait a bit and it will change.

Next Tuesday October 13 at 6:30 PM, we will hold our second meeting of the AAUW year.  It again will be a hybrid, with those who wish to attend in person joining us at the Byron Welcome Center on Chapman Road.  Those who cannot, or prefer not to, can join us by Zoom.  Super Margaret will have that log in information for you, and it's probably somewhere in this newsletter.  We will be social distancing and wearing masks, with no refreshments being served.  I look forward to seeing you, either in person or virtually!

Since the Branch has voted to discontinue our annual used book sale after 55+ years, we have “stuff” to dispose of.  We have numerous tables which we are selling at a very reasonable price.  The folding tables have already been spoken for.  We have numerous 6 foot tables, which can be purchased for $20 each, or 8 foot tables for $25.  Please let me know if you want to meet me at the sorting location to pick up tables.  First come first served. If you know anyone who is moving or has a need for boxes, we have around 200+ peach boxes in great shape, and they are yours for the taking. I will also see if the Friends of the Library are interested.  We also have barrels, both metal and plastic, to get rid of, plus lots of “stuff”.  Would you like one or more of our AAUW aprons?  We have the “latest” red and blue ones, but also have red print and solid yellow ones, again yours for the asking.  Since we will not be holding a sale this month, we have formed a fund raising idea committee to come up with suggestions for us to raise money.  The sale of the tables will provide us with some income, so we graciously and gratefully accepted any financial donations.

State Co-Presidents Laurie and Carrie will keep us informed what is going on that that level. Sure miss seeing all of our AAUW friends from around the state.

There are several people who still have not paid their dues, including some of the new members, who held off.  We need your financial support as well as your help in making our Branch a viable one.  We have lost way too many branches throughout the state, and I don't want to join that group.

See you next week.



Help Needed
from Carolyn Schomer

 The Boards of Elections in our counties are in need of help.  I know more about Houston, but suspect Peach may be the same.  They need poll workers, poll watchers [both require training], people to watch absentee ballots being opened.  As of last week, Houston already had 17,000 absentee ballots returned!!  Volunteer in the county of your residence.


ERA Tour RV in Town!

Join a LOCAL effort to support the ERA.  The ERA Tour RV will be in Warner Robins Tuesday, October 13 at 12 noon.  Come out and sign the RV as it travels the southeast generating support for renewed efforts to get the ERA passed.  There will be sanitized Sharpies for you to sign the RV...see website.  Location is 1302 Watson Blvd, near the intersection of Pleasant Hill.  You won't be able to miss the RV sitting on the north side of Watson.  Afterward there will be light refreshments and encouragement to support this effort....wear your masks and join in.


Reading Is Fundamental Update
by Carrie Smith

Due to the Covid virus, we will be unable to do Reading Is Fundamental in one of the local elementary schools this year.  We will still purchase books to give to Cherished Children Daycare Centers for the 3 and 4 year olds.  

We are still welcoming donations to support this project.  Hope we all can encourage donations. 

Be on the lookout for distribution dates for Cherished Children!









Upcoming Branch Events

Our September meeting will be held, both in person and virtually, on Tuesday, October 13 at 6:30 P.M..

The in-person meeting will be held at the Byron Welcome Center, 209 Chapman Road, Byron GA 31008.  Those attending will social distance and wear masks. There will be no refreshments.

The virtual meeting will be held on Zoom. Please log in using the following link:

Meeting ID: 870 2712 7629
Passcode: 922005

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, you may find the following tutorial video helpful:

We will host the Macon Judicial Circuit's District Attorney-Elect Anita Reynolds Howard for our October 13 program. Her topic: “Challenges for Women Running for Office ... and How to Plan a Winning Campaign." Ms. Howard recently completed her successful run for office in Macon.




How Are You Navigating the
New Normal?

Favorite Pandemic Memes from
Houston-Peach Members or
"Laughter Helps"


From Carolyn Schomer:
The alarm on our smoke alarm went off; new batteries did not help and beeping was annoying; called 911 - out of order; walked to fire station...wearing mask and observing social distance....just happy the house was not on fire😂. Dave came walking in from his trek to the fire station...locked up and no engines around....really, really glad the house was not on fire😂  The smoke alarm has stopped idea why, but if it went off, no one to call anyway😱

From Sharon Waugh:

From Carrie Smith:

From Margaret Mathews:

      (Well, this is not really a PANDEMIC meme, but I think it's hilarious)




AAUW Links

GA STEM Google Group


Branch Officers


Marlene Humphry

Program Vice President

Wilhemenia Sibley

Membership Vice President
Susan Blair


Sharon Waugh


Recording Secretary
Diane Lester

Corresponding Secretary/

Margaret Mathews


Copyright © 2020 Corresponding  Secretary
Margaret Mathews 
104 Fall Harvest, Centerville, Ga 31028
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