Asia Research News: Editor's Choice

New insight into mammalian stem cell evolution

The genes regulating pluripotent stem cells in mammals are surprisingly similar across 48 species. Differences that do exist might explain unique adaptations like cancer resistance.
Ancient asteroid rewrites early solar system timeline

The Earth and moon may have experienced the "late heavy bombardment" period much earlier than previously thought.

Name change?

More efficient, stable and safer perovskite solar cells

A 2D honeycomb structure helps solve several hurdles to make perovskite solar cells commercially viable.

MOFs to the rescue

COVID-19: Saliva tests could detect silent carriers

Testing self-collected saliva samples could offer an effective mass testing approach for detecting asymptomatic COVID-19.

Quick and easy

Focus On: Disasters
A resource for journalists to find stories and sources.

Connect with researchers from across Asia who are prepared to speak with journalists about disasters and related research. Their expertise spans from cave-ins to typhoons, rescue robots to better prediction tools, planning to recovery.

6 countries, 18 experts

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