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Sunday 1 November
9.30am Kids Kingdom - Zoom
10.30am Sunday Celebration Broadcast

Parables of Jesus - The Unforgiving Servant. 
Led by Tony Goodwin and Peter Nodding
(on our YouTube channel from 10.15am)

Following the service, at 11.30am, there is a time to chat with others via Zoom. If you would like to join in just reply to this e-mail and we'll send you the link.
12 midday Furnace - Zoom
1.15pm Songs of Praise on BBC1

No Generation Rising on Sunday evening this week
Parish Nursing on Songs of Praise
1.15pm on BBC1 this Sunday 
One of our church members, Sheena Glanville, who works for Parish Nursing as the Regional Nurse Co-ordinator and Lead Educator has let us know that BBC Songs of Praise are featuring Parish Nursing in their programme this week.  Like most charities, Parish Nursing are dealing with challenges as a result of  the pandemic and this opportunity to raise their profile is a real answer to prayer.  The BBC have been filming the vital service that the Parish Nurses in Dundee have been providing throughout these times and it is just one example of how churches with Parish Nursing services have been responding to changing community needs.

Faith Boost
A short broadcast each Wednesday on our YouTube channel where various people from GBC will share encouragement as they speak about one of the promises of God.  This week's is about forgiveness.
If anyone would be interested in hearing about the new ministry that Sarah Thurley is being called to abroad, then please could you email or ring her/her mother, as she is collecting a list of people to send out an initial information letter to in the next couple of weeks. Thank you.  skthurley@hotmail.com  or 01480 454736.
Prayer Room
We focused on Pause/Rest over the summer and now is the time to Rejoice. Come and spend some time with God in the Prayer Room. This is a different way to pray but may inspire you.Take a break from work or home. You can now book a one hour slot via the church office on 01480 458565 or by replying to this e-mail so no need to worry about possibly having to wait outside!  Suggest a time and we'll let you know if it's possible.

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
Children are still needing gifts this Christmas, BUT because of Covid 19 you may want to use this link https://shoeboxonline.samaritans-purse.org.uk/ and pack your box online this year. Alternatively, there are still collection places to drop off boxes, if you’ve packed them yourself, but you will need to take them to a drop off centre (NOT to the church). Our nearest drop off centre this year is: Buckden Methodist Church, Church Street, Buckden, St Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 5TP and hours are: Monday 9 November, Friday 13 November or Monday 16 November - all from 2.00-4.30pm. With thanks from the children who will receive them.  If you need anymore advice you can ring Liesl Houghton between Thursday to Sunday on 01480 450947.
Previous editions of the weekly news are available on our website click here
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Daniel Beckett, Lead Pastor, mobile: 07909 767505
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Our address is:
Godmanchester Baptist Church East Chadley Lane Godmanchester Huntingdon, PE29 2BJ United Kingdom
01480 458565
Registered Charity No: 1089263

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