Thank you in advance for watching. Special thank you to LAP Clients and LAP Board of Directors for supporting our message. 

LAP is asking for your financial support to continue to provide access to our high quality care and services due to the Increasing Needs of the Legal Profession

Legal professionals were struggling before the pandemic arrived and now are facing additional stressors, financial hardships, and increased mental health and substance use problems. We are asking the legal community to financially support LAP and its mission, so that LAP can continue to expand its services throughout the State to Judges, Lawyers and Law Students.

Attorneys, judges, and law students are 3x more likely to suffer from depression, anxiety, chronic stress, suicidal thoughts, alcohol or drug misuse compared to the general public. LAP’s expert clinical team provides quality care to all legal professionals while facing the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, saving lives, careers and the dignity of legal professionals. LAP is asking you to support our role in the health and wellness of all lawyers, judges, and law students in Illinois.

Every contribution means LAP can work more effectively to minimize mental health and substance use problems in our profession 

LAP’s mission is to help, protect, and educate our legal community about addiction, substance use, mental health and wellness. If you or someone you know needs support do not hesitate to contact LAP. Our services are 100% confidential 100% cost-free. 

All of Illinois LAP's services are available virtually.


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20 S. Clark Street, Suite 450
Chicago, IL 60603

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