
Finding joy in Generosity

Last week I wrote about generosity as a fitting response to God's great mercy toward us. Generosity is about a whole way of life, as we recognise that all of life is a gift from God we seek to use our talents, our time, and our treasure in service of Christ and his kingdom. A generous way of living is about much more than money, but not less.

When the Bible speaks about our financial giving one aspect that stands out to me is that it is always accompanied by an attitude of joy. There's something not quite fitting if we give in a begrudging way or only out of a sense of duty. One of the more famous passages is in 2 Corinthians 9 - God loves a cheerful giver.

A passage that is probably less well known but shows cheerful giving in action is at the end of 1 Chronicles. Solomon is about to start building the temple and his father, King David, announces how much of his resources he is going to give toward the project. He makes available all at his disposal as King, and then he commits to giving a vast amount from his personal treasures as well. He then invites the community to do the same. What really stands out to me however is David's prayer that follows, in the middle David says this:

'Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.' 1 Chronicles 29:12–14

It's worth reading the whole of chapter 29 and meditating on the attitude in which God's people serve him by building the temple. Today God is still building, he's building his church, and it's our great joy and privilege to be fellow workers in his building project.

This Sunday - Loving One Another

This Sunday we continue our short series in 1 Peter considering God’s vision for his church. As God has given us new birth through the gospel, we are born into a new community marked by love. We will consider how this reality plays out among us at St Aidan’s. 

Our 9am and 5pm services are meeting at St Aidan's, while ten30church has moved back to the SDA building with Kids Church meeting at Tulloch Lodge. For those who are able to arrive a bit earlier than the start time please try to do so, the required recording of attendance can cause a bit of a lineup. Thanks.

Property Update

On Sunday we shared a property update newsletter outlining where things are up to with the Tulloch Property, where we’d love to see things go in the future, and also an invitation for you to consider giving financially toward this. In our discussion last year as we resolved to move forward with acquiring the property part of that discussion was to seek special giving from us the congregation.

Please see the video below highlighting the potential for future ministry from the Tulloch property, and read the newsletter outlining the financial situation and future vision. I invite you to partner in this project, and bring back the pledge form in the next month after you’ve prayerfully considered it.
Property Update Newsletter
Pledge Form
The Tulloch Property and our vision for future ministry and growth

Kids Church News Corner

This week - Nehemiah 3:1 - 6:16
Welcome back to Term 4! This year seems to have a strange feeling of time! Sometimes very slow and sometimes very quickly!
This term in Kids Church the children will be thinking about how God keeps His promises first of all to His people. We will start by looking at the Book of Nehemiah and how the temple was rebuilt then we will look at some prophets who reminded people of God's Promises and we will finish the Term arriving at the birth of Jesus the ultimate fulfillment of all of God's promises. 
I'm really looking forward to spending time in God's word with the children this term. We will continue to meet at Tulloch Lodge as usual. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon. Next week we continue in Nehemiah 8:1-12

Other news

Kids Club & SAYGE
Kids Club meets at St Andrew's at 5.30pm.
SAYGE starts meeting tonight and will  run every Friday night until the 4th of December. We would love to welcome anyone in Year 6 to come and join us! We meet at Tulloch Lodge from 7.15 to 9.30.

This Newsletter
Back in March when we had to stop meeting on Sundays I started writing this weekly newsletter as a way of keeping in touch and hopefully bringing some encouragement through a short reflection/devotion. But with most of our ministries and church services having now resumed, it's time to make this newsletter less frequent, probably it'll become a monthly update. I've enjoyed writing it and the process of putting thoughts on paper, and several people have mentioned they've found it helpful, thanks for your encouragement to me, especially when we couldn't see one another face to face. 
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