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Scientific Outputs of CIBIO-ISA | Newsletter #6
Scientific Outputs | July - September 2020
Peer-reviewed articles
An accessible optimisation method for barrier removal planning in stream networks Science of the
Total Environment
Bat conservation and zoonotic disease risk: a research agenda to prevent misguided persecution in the aftermath of COVID-19 Animal Conservation BATECO
Modelling technical and biological biases in macroinvertebrate community assessment from bulk preservative using multiple metabarcoding markers Molecular Ecology APPLECOL
Response of vertebrate scavengers to power line and road rights-of-way and its implications for bird fatality estimates Scientific Reports AGRODIV
High‐resolution multi‐marker DNA metabarcoding reveals sexual dietary differentiation in a bird with minor dimorphism Ecology and Evolution APPLECOL
Changes in grassland management and linear infrastructures associated to the decline of an endangered bird population Scientific Reports AGRODIV

Data paper
Hidden in our pockets: building of a DNA barcode library unveils the first record of Myotis alcathoe for Portugal
Biodiversity Data
Invited talks
Bat conservation in the aftermath of COVID-19
Ricardo Rocha
6th Student Conference on Conservation Science
Escamas, pinças e pele nua: Um conto sobre as espécies invasoras
Mário Mota-Ferreira
1ª Semana Nacional das Espécies Invasoras APPLECOL
Courses / Workshops
Formação Online de Iniciação à Identificação de Morcegos
29 de Agosto de 2020 (1ª edição) / 17 de Outubro de 2020 (2ª edição)

Instructor: Francisco Amorim
Município de Lagoa (Algarve) BATECO
For the complete list of CIBIO-ISA outputs and contact person from CIBIO-ISA team, click HERE.
Upcoming events
Advanced Course
Theoretical Perspectives on Biodiversity and Biogeography
November 23-27, 2020

Instructor: Luís Borda de Água
CIBIO, Vairão

IENE 2020 International Conference - “LIFE LINES – Linear Infrastructure Networks with Ecological Solutions”
January 12-14, 2021

Several CIBIO-ISA team members will participate in this event. Detailed conference programme coming soon.
Newsletter "Scientific Outputs of CIBIO-ISA" | October - December 2020
The next newsletter will be out by mid-January 2021.
Don't miss the opportunity to share your research, and keep the google sheet "CIBIO-InBIO_Outputs_ISATeam" updated.

Note: Don't forget to check if the output was not already included in the google sheet by another co-author from CIBIO-ISA pole (please avoid the duplication of outputs).
Copyright © 2020 CIBIO-ISA, All rights reserved.

Questions and suggestions about the list of Scientific Outputs of CIBIO-ISA | Newsletter?
Please contact Francisco Amorim (
and/or Joana Bernardino (

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CIBIO-ISA · Instituto Superior de Agronomia · Lisbon 1349-017 · Portugal

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