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Worship Service

in-person Service
from Sanctuary
via Zoom

10:00 am in English
(login as early as 9:30 am)

1:00 pm Faith Circle
(Log in as early as 12:30 pm)

Log in instructions

10:00 am in English

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 910 097 5556
Password: 649259
Dial in: 1 929 436 2866 


1:00 pm with Korean Worship Order 
Topic: 믿음속 주일 예배 Faith Circle Worship
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 319 4241
Password: 090258
Dial in: +1 929 205 6099 


Reminders of protocols to ensure a safe gathering...

  • Please bring a face covering 
  • Please read signs and follow instructions.
  • Keep your face covering or mask on at all times. 
  • Observe social distancing.
  • Give your name for attendance.
  • If you are ill, please stay home and rest. 

Please read below for important instructions
on muting during the service
Please read before service


During the gathering prior to the start of the worship service, please be invited to greet each other freely, UNMUTED.

Once the service starts and the prelude begins, we ask everyone to please kindly MUTE yourself, as we are not able to do this remotely.

During the service itself, if you are a Worship Leader, or if you speak during Children’s Time or Joys and Concerns, please UNMUTE to speak and MUTE afterwards.

We ask that everyone help in this way so that all may enjoy an undisrupted service.

After the Postlude, all are welcome to UNMUTE and speak with each other again.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing everyone!
Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost
October 25, 2020 at 10 am
Prelude      “Of Woods and Hills”, Beethoven       Jeanne Millett

Welcoming & Announcement

Birthdays this Week:
Liliana Collen, Greg Tanno, David Price, Lyla Sardo and Karen Benson
Anniversaries this Week:
Scott and Nubia Pennell: 7 yrs
Sharing the Peace

Call to Worship            
One:    Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
All:       In you, we come home— to rest, to wrestle, to love, to be loved. We dwell in you.
One:    Before the mountains were born, before you delivered the whole world, from everlasting past to everlasting future, you are God.
All:       In you, we are home — we dream, we flourish, we fade, we rejoice. We dwell in you. 

*Opening Hymn      “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty”    UMH # 64 (vs 1 2 & 4)

Opening Prayer      Shelia Muscott
Loving God, you not only welcome us, you receive us into yourself. Give us courage to be so open to others, to let them become so dear to us, that we might share not only your gospel but also our lives, through Christ, who makes room for us all. Amen. 

Hymn of Response   “Live in Charity (Ubi Caritas)”     FWS # 2179  (English & Latin)

Prayer of Confession
Lord, we confess:  we do not live as those worthy to be entrusted with the good news of your grace; we relate to others callously as though we do not trust that gospel ourselves; we seek to please and manipulate, using flattery to gain praise and distinction; we use condescension as a mask to cover insecurity or a need for power.  Our motives are mixed, impure.  Lord, reassure and cleanse us, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Silent Confession

Declaration of Forgiveness
One:    Sisters and Brothers in Christ, believe again the gospel, that in Christ we are accepted as we are. Believe that we are forgiven and loved. Believe that we are the church, the body of Christ, called to love one another as gentle children of God.
All:       Thanks be to God!  Allelujah!  Amen.
Children’s Moment          Franklyn McLean
2021 Stewardship Campaign        Craig Michelson
Joys & Concerns
Fairfield Grace prays for the following families this week:
Diana Stein family, Allen Stewart family and Ellen Stewart

The Lord's Prayer

Presentation of Tithings, Gifts and Selves
- Offertory Anthem       “God is my Shepherd”        soloist: Al Oneto
- *Doxology     “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”      UMH # 95
- *Offertory Prayer
Holy God, we offer these gifts to you. May your favor be upon them and prosper the labor of our hands, that your glorious power and presence may be manifest to all, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

*Bible Lesson:  Matthew 22:34–40   

Message           Rev. Kun Sam Cho

*Closing Hymn     “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee”      UMH # 430 (vs 1, 3 & 4)


Postlude       “Autumn Leaves”, Mercer/Kosma
Verses of the Week  (Matthew 22:37-40)

Jesus said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 
This is the greatest and first commandment. 
And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

 Prayer Concerns and Joys
Dick Albani, Sheila Muscott’s brother-in-law, health; Danny Lord, Marge Jenkins’ grandson, extremely serious health concerns; Michael, (grandson of Bev  Plucker) health concerns; Amy M. Thornton (granddaughter-in-law of Al and Jean Oneto), health concerns; Andy Larsen (Leah’s son), health concerns;  David and his baby (Nancy Chavez’ brother) health concerns; Mel Holdsworth, health concerns; Warren and Pat Rozelle, health concerns; Fredene and Pastor J, in Indiana; Bill Cook (Jean Oneto’s cousin), severe brain hemorrhage; Stanley Block (Cindy’s father-in-law), health concerns; Carol Watson, recovering at home, Zeyn (Kristina Jouhkadar’s daughter), in Sardinia; Richard Ewing (husband of Anne) recovering at home; Anna Schindler, working at Jewish Nursing Facility; Grace Kim, MD, working at St Vincent’s; Maria Restrepo (Parish Nurse) offering medical guidance online;  Francis and Panyin Amoo, working at hospital; Ellen LaMoult, (friend of Lori Stimpson), health concerns; Bob Dow (Lori Stimpson's grandfather), health concerns; Betty Brandt, at home; Ximena Aguilar (Nubia Jaramillo-Pennell's cousin's wife in Ecuador) COVID related health concerns; Ruth Bedson (Mary Bedson’s mother-in-law), health concerns;  Lydia Saum (Jason Saum’s mother), entered into eternal rest; Bob Daruka, in the hospital; Edgar Brown in Jamaica (Sandra’s father), cancer; our country, justice and peace for all.

Dorothy Albrecht (home), Pat Altieri (Parish Court), John Cain (Meadow Mills, Hamden),  Ormie Gilbert (St Joseph’s), Elsie Kerekes  (Crosby Commons), Leah Larsen (home), Barbara McCarthy (Juniper Hill Village), Michelle Molnar (Stern Village), Dorothy Patterson (home), Bev Plucker (home), Shirley Sims (Parish Court), Diana Stein (Jewish Home).

성령 강림  스물 첫번째 주일

2020년10월25 오후 1시



예배에로의 초대

찬양   “찬양하라”  & “나의 힘이되신 여호와여”   

환영  평화 소식 나눔 

찬송     “오 하나님 우리의 창조주시니” (새68 통 32)   

기도  주기도문   김은경

성경 말씀   마태복음 22:35-40

말씀 나눔    조건삼

헌신  중보기도     김영관 이희정 지현 지성 채현

찬양   “신자 되기 원합니다”  (새 463 통518) 



Bible Verses of the Week 
(Matthew 22:37-40)

예수님은 이렇게 대답하셨다. “‘네 마음을 다하고 정성을 다하고 뜻을 다하여 주 너의 하나님을 사랑하라.’  “이것이 제일 중요한 계명이다.  그 다음은 ‘네 이웃을 네 몸과 같이 사랑하라’ 는 계명이다.  모든 율법과 예언자들의 가르침은 이 두 계명에서 나온 것이다.”


예수 사랑교회 사랑 & 이웃 사랑 (10 25)

우리 예수 그리스도의 사랑으로 환영합니다.

2  배움과 나눔과 기도 (배나기) - 수요일 오후 8.

7 45 부터 모임창이 열립니다.  야고보서 3:13-18    

3  헌금 생활은 우편으로전자 우송으로인편으로 합니다.

4  교회 웹사이트

5  일일 일장 운동:   10 25 – 고린도 후서 9

          11월부터 계속하여서 바울의 옥중서신과 목회 서신을 읽습니다.

6   이번 주간 중보 기도

한반도미국 그리고 세계의 모든 나라

훼어필드 그레이스 교회 사역   가정/교우                 

          - 중보 기도김영관,이희정지현지성채현                                                       

7  주일 예배 기도 인도 순서

11 1서경숙          11 8 – 김종성      11 15 – 서무학       11 22 – 황근희      11 29 – 김은경


A Message from our Finance Team

Dear members and friends of the Fairfield Grace church family,

We hope and pray that this note finds you and your family well. We are pleased to see so many of you attending our Sunday services on Zoom. And we know that many of you are happy that we will be having services in our church building once again. We also thank you for continuing your giving to the church either on line or by mailing in your checks on a regular basis.

If you attend the service at the church, please place your offering in our offering box as you go in.  For safety from spreading the virus, we are not allowed to pass collection plates as usual. 

Also, if your giving has gotten behind over the summer. We need you to catch up if possible. We were fortunate to get government payroll protection money. But that is used up. A new government stimulus package is tied up in congress. And even if they pass one, we do not know if churches will be included.

Take care, stay well, wear masks when in public, wash your hands, etc. You know the routines, and that is why infection rates in Fairfield remain very low. We hope to see you soon.

FGUMC Finance Team
Please click on link below
to give online
through Fairfield Grace website.
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