News and inspiration from Interbeing Sangha of Kingston
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Interbeing Sangha of Kingston - Electronic Bulletin          Vol. 4, Issue #16 - 24 October 2020

Interbeing Sangha

Virtual Meeting

Please join us for sitting meditation, reading, and dharma sharing via Zoom this Sunday, October 25th at 6:30 pm. Our virtual bell minder for this session will be Stana Luxford Oddie. Join us online or by phone. To join online (with or without your webcam) follow this link at 6:30 pm on Sunday:

Meeting ID: 815-9851-7990
Password: PEACE

To join by phone dial (647) 374-4685
When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 815-9851-7990
Phone password: 766733
(International callers:
Full of Our Ancestors

"He’s definitely coming back to his roots. He has come back to the place where he grew up as a monk. The message is to remember we don’t come from nowhere. We have roots. We have ancestors. We are part of a lineage or stream. It’s a beautiful message, to see ourselves as a stream, as a lineage, and it is the deepest teaching in Buddhism: non-self. We are empty of a separate self, and yet at the same time, we are full of our ancestors."

--Brother Chan Phap Dung, senior disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh (speaking about Thay in excerpt from interview October 2019)
Thay Alive Within Us

"My practice is not to wait for the moment when he takes his last breath. Each day I practice to let him go, by letting him be with me, within me, and with each of my conscious breaths. He is alive in my breath, in my awareness. Breathing in, I breathe with my teacher within me; breathing out, I see him smiling with me. When we make a step with gentleness, we let him walk with us, and we allow him to continue within our steps. Letting go is also the practice of letting in, letting your teacher be alive in you, and to see that he is more than just a physical body now in Vietnam."

--Brother Chan Phap Dung, senior disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh (speaking about Thay in excerpt from interview October 2019)
Our sangha has two teams helping to share leadership and facilitation of our meetings. Our Bell Minders Team are mindful facilitators for our weekly gatherings, as well as retreats, taking beautiful care of our friends in the practice including the bell. Our Sangha Care Team facilitates sangha care meetings, plans retreats, minds our library and resources, and coordinates outreach. If you are interested in helping with either or both, contact for more information.
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