October 15, 2020                                                              View this email in your browser
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Grottons in Chile

Serving with Mission to the World



  • Apartment Hunting
  • Start your engines...
  • Quarantine, Covid-19, Social Unrest

Apartment Hunting…

We have been actively searching for our next apartment on the coast. Before we share those adventures, we would like to say due to shifting ministry responsibilities, the city in which we will be living has changed slightly. We have been saying for years we would be living in Viña del Mar because this is where CEMIPRE, the ministry center to the blind is located. In reality, we will actually be living in the city just north, Concón. The church plant, La Trinidad Concón, in which we will be involved is located here.  We and our team thought it would make more sense to be closer to the church because so many activities are in the evening.  We will commute to Viña during normal ministry (daytime) hours. This way our transportation challenges (no car) would be easier to handle.  We just wanted to clarify as we mention Concón repeatedly that no one would be left thinking, “I thought they said they would be in Viña”. 

Two weeks ago our family traveled to Concón to begin our search for an apartment. This has proven to be much more difficult than we thought it would be. We had found three different locations that would have all been wonderful for our family. Unfortunately, for different reasons they have all fallen through. Some of it our own decisions and some on a few people dealing a bit underhanded. We don’t really want to dwell on the details too much and ruin our witness with negativity and stand in our own bad attitude. But, we’d rather share that God has reminded us yet again, that He and He alone is in control. We rejoice in this and ask that you would please continue to pray for us and our next home. Truthfully, none of those apartments that fell through gave us the strong feeling of - this is the place. 

Start your engines…

It is very easy to live without a car in a city the size of Santiago (6 million +), but in the area of Viña del Mar and Concón, in particular, things are more spread out and public transportation is not as extensive.  We were hoping to put off the purchase of a vehicle for at least the first year on the coast, but we are now aiming to buy a car / small SUV in about six months.  (We need to get our Chilean driver's licenses first.)  Would you pray for wisdom as we prepare to purchase a vehicle - that it would serve our family and ministry well?

Quarantine, Covid-19, Social Unrest….

Much of Chile is slowly returning to normalcy. The southern part is still struggling but the part we live in is currently doing well. There are still many restrictions but you can more or less move around fairly easily to take care of daily business. Please pray that people would continue to practice the safety measures prescribed by the government as they seem to have worked. We feel a possible bigger problem is looming in the coming days here in Chile. The one year anniversary of the social unrest is just a few days away (October 18) and many are very concerned that the violence is going to reignite.  On October 25 the country votes whether or not to rewrite the Chilean Constitution. This could prove to be a very violent process as there are radical groups on both sides of the issue. Please pray that the process will actually be peaceful and that all voices will be heard and considered. 


Jacob and Elijah (and Danielle) continue with homeschooling, learning about the history and culture of Israel and other ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece and Babylonia.  The boys seemed to enjoy making cuneiform tablets with cookie dough the best!  They continue with Zoom piano lessons, although Elijah is looking forward to resuming in-person drum lessons sometime soon.  Praise God we have all been in good health and have mostly been able to go about daily life with few real issues. Thanks for praying for this!

Thank you for your partnership, for your prayers, and for your giving.  We often think of and pray for each of our partners.  Feel free to share any specific needs via email: grottonsinchile@gmail.com 

In Christ’s love,

David, Danielle, Jacob & Elijah
Email: grottonsinchile@gmail.com
Voice: 1 (860) 748-4912 
Text: +56 9 5192 7338

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