Hey <<First Name>>

Take a look at this meme I came across:

What do you think? How does this post make you feel?

Whether in debt or debt free, most people will nod along with the sentiment of the post.

If in debt:
"Oh man, I wish I could [option] but I can't because I'm not debt free."

If out of debt:
"Whoa, I'm so glad I have all these options because I'm debt free!"

But let me ask you this: Do you really buy the argument that being in debt precludes you from:
- Choosing where you work,
- Choosing where you live,
- Pursuing dreams,
- Leaving a situation if you're unhappy, and
- Traveling the world?

The Scientific Method tells us that we only need ONE example that does not fit the hypothesis in order to prove it wrong, so please allow me to introduce R.

R is a friend and former colleague of mine who felt like he was working so hard to build someone else's dream, while getting nothing out of it for himself or for his family, whom he rarely saw.

So R left his situation behind, moved his family to a new state, started a job in a completely new field that he knew he'd enjoy more, and is now actively building the life that he once only dreamed about.

And R is still in debt.

There are many more stories like R's.

If debt was the thing stopping him, what he did would have been impossible.

In fact, I'd argue that his mounting debt was a very important factor that caused him to see that he had to make some changes.

And you can only make changes if you have options.

The truth is, this is a limiting belief disguised as feel-good idolatry.

It tries to get you to believe that your financial situation is the thing that's holding you back, and when you believe that, you will not see what's really in the way.

So listen <<First Name>>. If you're in debt, great. Don't judge yourself about it. Being debt-free is great and all but it's not going to be the thing that sets you free.

And if you're out of debt, that's great too. Don't say things like, "Oh, I'll never go into debt, it's the worst" because that's just the other side of the same coin.

Besides, you never know what will happen tomorrow. Debt might save your life.

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