The World of #OpenGov
- OGP CEO Sanjay Pradhan shares how open government approaches can meet the challenges of COVID-19 in Involve’s "A Democratic Response to Covid" blog series here.
- The World Justice Challenge 2021: Advancing the Rule of Law in Times of Crisis is now open! Cash awards ($20,000 USD to each winner) will go to six projects that show demonstrable results and promising prospects for future progress, replication, and scaling. Learn more about the competition here and upcoming webinar here.
- In Seoul, South Korea, a mother is working with government officials and civil society organizations through OGP to make public transportation more accessible for people with disabilities like her daughter. Read more about this inspiring story here.
- In this blog, our partners at Open Ownership suggest seven areas where beneficial ownership transparency can play a transformative role and why having access to information about the real owners of companies - big and small - is important to transform our societies and economies for the better.
- Register for the Open Parliament e-Network webinar on Friday, October 30, and learn about the opportunities for different branches of government to coordinate and advance thematic commitments and develop stronger oversight mechanisms of OGP commitments at the national level. Read more here.
- During the Global Legislative Openness Week on October 26-30, parliaments & CSOs are invited to engage their community, kickstart new projects designed to open legislatures, and share ideas & experiences. Register here.
- In their Building Back With: A Handbook for Local Government publication, Involve and the Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster explore the role of public participation and deliberation in COVID-19 response and recovery.
- Check out the latest youth-led report, Resilient Realities, which explores how young people aged 18 to 30 are organizing during the COVID-19 global pandemic.
- In this blog, Accountability Lab, Armavir Development Centre, Integrity Action, and Restless Development share some thoughts and recommendations on scaling inclusive social accountability.
- The UN World Data Forum is this week. Learn more about the events hosted by OGP partners like Integrity Action and GIFT here.
- The Open Gov Hub is hosting a series of dialogue-based events that will uncover examples of the recent election crises that have happened in countries around the world. Get ready to delve into these topics, every Thursday in October. Learn more here.
- Join ADB and OGP’s #DigitalAgainstCOVID19 Innovation Challenge and share solutions for ensuring COVID-19-related spending, stimulus, and safety net measures benefit those most in need. The winning solution will receive funding for pilot testing of up to US$10,000. The deadline to submit pitches is November 3.
- The next round of the Open Budget Survey is getting started: civil society researchers from 120 countries – including for the first time Armenia, Ethiopia and Togo – will be assessing government on budget transparency, public engagement and oversight practices that are in place through 31 December 2020. Stay tuned for a special COVID report in the spring of 2021.