Life changing in overdrive! 
In this newsletter you will find BE's hive with an extremely special story. Please get to know Luca, your heart will melt. Holiday Give Aways redesigned and the process of production in Taiwan and estimated forecast for availability and dates. and... campaign #134 completed! 
When design matches your determination. The Alinker is a mindset thing! Enjoy!

BE's hive

Luca, a story that will move you

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a mum, a desperate yet determined mum. 

Prue: "I have a 10 year old boy Luca, Luca was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease at 3 and his mobility is greatly affected. Luca has 2 mobility walkers which are useless (hates them) and has been in hospital for the last 6 weeks so his little legs are needing a lot of help. I became aware of the Alinker awhile ago, however the small was too big. After a long stint in hospital and a lot of research I found the XS Alinker. The XS fits Luca Perfectly. 

We are at the point where the school is putting Luca in a wheelchair, I really need to get my hands on the XS NOW.  Is there any way that this process could be quicker (PLEASE) We are in Melbourne Australia. I would so appreciate any help you could do for my little man. I would really love to chat with you, I think you would be very interested in Luca's journey. My only contact number is......"

So I thought I better call her and explain what is happening with the 2 prototypes we have of the XS. I was midnight in Toronto, early afternoon in Melbourne Australia.

The moment I got Prue on the line, I felt part of her journey with Luca. There was no explaining, there was only making the impossible possible. Her kid is losing his ability to walk. As I was talking with her, I texted my partner in Taiwan and said: ' hey Nick, the XS prototype we have for the final testing there, how long before you can do the testing?'. Nick said: 'about 6-8 weeks'. Me: ' Hey Nick, could you ship it to Melbourne for these weeks?' Nick: 'sure, send me the address'. I told Prue, hey Prue listen, are you willing to work with the only other prototype in the world and ship it back in 6 weeks? Prue broke out in tears. And so it happened.

I am so damn proud of our amazing partners worldwide, who are 'in' with us, and understand who we are as a company, who always explore with us on what is possible, beyond. 

So, on the 15th October, Prue got a message that a box had arrived... 
Watch this 5 minute video I compiled with the material Prue shared with me of just the last week. One week! 

It is hard to explain what an impact this XS has in one little video.
The impact is not just on Luca, but on his mum and his little brother Ollie who is just 5. Prue says their whole life has changed. Luca hated school, now loves it. Boys from school would not come to their house, now they come visit and hang out with Luca and Ollie. Luca was in school always on the outside, with the walking frame he had no time to do any distance, now he scoots through the whole school and to the middle of the grounds outside. He participated in the PE class this week, that had not happened before.

Luca had heard Prue and BE talk about a mini documentary on his experiences, and together with the boys who came to the house, they organized the school Ipad and started filming Luca in school. When Prue came to pick him up, she asked how school was, and he said: "yeah mum, I've got this".  The next video will hopefully have footage of Luca in school, filmed by his school mates!

Luca had foot surgery in January to lengthen his achilles tendons, so after 8 months of being inactive, it was so painful to get walking again with his frame.

Now with the XS prototype, he can stretch his legs, Prue says he has actually grown in a few days. Luca is so engaged and wants to work so hard! He tracks his steps on a Fitbit and did 1180 steps on day 3! He comes up with these most beautiful things he says: "mum I feel wrecked, but it's a different wrecked".

Me goofing off with Luca on WhatsApp, many late nights here in Toronto. 
The happiest hours of my day. 

Holiday special offer

We were so enthusiastic about our special plan for the end of the year, but after some research, our plan was not according to what is allowed in contests and give aways. Now you are probably not surprised that creative ideas are shut down by the regulations.... so, we had to rethink this to get some really nice give aways to you anyway!  So... 

We decided to make everybody a winner!

Everybody who purchases an Alinker between Oct 18th and 31st December midnight, will receive a free 6 month membership to Alinker Academy and free shipping, value around $200. 

The first 100 people will also get 
a pair of custom designed, padded Alinker jeans. These denims are high quality, custom fit and specifically designed for Alinker users by renowned designers of wearable clothing. After this launch, they will retail around $175 or so. 
Stand by for a big announcement next week, with photos! 

We're planning to end 2020 with many happy people! 
Sunday 25th October at  10am PST / 1pm EST  
CLICK here and join Asya for the LIVE

Last week we launched of 10 new campaigns and Doug already completed! 
Send some love to the others, show up with generosity


For larger donations of corporate sponsorships, please visit The Radical generosity Collective campaign. It is our collective campaign is the one to feed all, for larger donations. 

Worldwide impact of covid on manufacturing

We are in nearly daily contact with our partners in Taiwan and since last week have more estimates for possible delivery of product. 

Since the lockdown, worldwide demand for bicycles has gone up, and with the bad relation between China and the USA, producers from China turn to Taiwan. So Taiwan is under pressure and we have to work so much harder to keep our production going. As a small company, it is hard to put your foot down, but we do and luckily we have good relationships with our producers, but... we start seeing delays. So bear with us, it is not all in our control. 

There are delays, but we are lucky to even have the production going. An assembly slot in October got moved back to late November, shipping to North America in the second week of December.  We are communicating with everybody who expected their Alinker in November. This is mostly out of our control, and we will do anything we can to at least communicate with you in the most transparent way. 

We are working to get a new product page up on our website, with all the products, existing adult Alinkers and the new models, the HS, XS and XXS.  With the current situation in Taiwan, the new models might not be available till mid-2021. We will announce this all on our new website before the end of the year. 
visit the LIVE campaigns

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  • Italy: EMAIL 
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  • Czech Rep, Poland, Slovakia: EMAIL
  • United Kingdom: EMAIL
  • Australia: WEB
  • New Zealand: WEB
  • Switzerland, Germany, Austria: EMAIL
  • The Netherlands: WEB
  • Elsewhere: EMAIL 
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"The Alinker is a game changer!"

- Selma Blair
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