First (Scots) Youth Ministry Update!

First (Scots)

Youth Ministry

Backyard Game Night

This Sunday from 5-6pm the high school and middle school youth are playing some socially distant backyard games.  The high school youth are meeting at Ben Hider's home (please bring a chair and use your ChurchLife app to confirm the Hider family's address or contact James Rogers).  The middle school youth are meeting in the Kirk House backyard (62 King Street).  Please contact Megan Boucher if you have any questions about the middle school youth event. 

All youth participants need to have a completed 2020-2021 Youth Permission and Release Statement on file.  As usual we will be following our church's Guidelines for Resuming In Person Youth Group Activities

  1. In person youth group activities are held outside and ordinarily limited to one hour per event.
  2. Non-contact temperature checks of all participants are taken upon arrival by a designated youth leader.  Those with a temperature of 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit or less are allowed to participate.
  3. All participants are required to wear masks.  Masks can only be removed to eat or drink (and with adherence to social distancing requirements of maintaining a distance of six feet away from anyone outside one’s family).
  4. Physical contact is prohibited (high fives, fist bumps, hugs, etc.).
  5. Those who are sick, especially vulnerable to COVID-19, or uncomfortable with in person activities should inform a youth leader and only participate in virtual youth group activities.

Sunday, November 15 (5-6pm)

Help us plan Youth Sunday 2021 (February 7)!  We’ll gather by Zoom and spend time continuing our Psalm of the Week devotion series before brainstorming and voting on this year’s Youth Sunday theme and signing up for parts.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity to help lead worship for our entire congregation!  Check out photos from Youth Sunday 2020.   To attend, please use our 2020-2021 youth group zoom access link or request one by emailing your name to James Rogers by 4:30pm on Sunday, November 15.   

Prayer for this Week

Dear God,
This week is a doozey.

If anxiety produced a sound, it would be deafening right now.  Open my ears to the sounds I need most: the wild geese overhead, Aretha Franklin’s Amazing Grace (1972); the sound of my friend on the other end of the phone; the sugar-high laughter of children who need us to dial down the doom.

If fear could be seen, it would be obscuring everything else.  Open my eyes to the sights that I need most: my puppy underfoot with a toy in her mouth, ready to play; the brightening of my neighbor’s eyes under their mask when I pass them in the stairwell; that sidewalk covered in an oak tree’s fallen leaves like nature’s confetti.

If sorrow could be tasted, the bitterness would overcome me.  Open my mouth to the sweetness I need: words of kindness; unhurried kisses; and absolutely as much Ben and Jerry’s as I deem necessary.

Help me remember that you are in the other side of Tuesday, no matter what.

by Lutheran Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber

High School Youth (and their families) Needed

Additional volunteers are needed for this Saturday's SCOTS Day Lowcountry Food Bank worksite.  The group is meeting at the Lowcountry Food Bank at 9am and will pack food until 12pm at the latest. Volunteers need to be at least 14 years old and parents are asked to serve alongside their child(ren).  The address for the Lowcountry Food Bank is: 2864 Azalea Drive, Charleston, SC 29405.  Review additional details in the SCOTS Day Kirk News Special Bulletin and sign up to participate using the Lowcountry Food Bank SignUpGenius.  Questions about this opportunity?  Please contact Anne LeClercq

Sunday School Update

High School Sunday School (9:45-10:45am):  This group is meeting in the Kirk House High School Room socially distanced with masks.  This week they are continuing the movie, Dead Poets Society, to be shown and discussed for the next several weeks.  Questions about this class?  Contact Amy Shubert, Chantal Byrne, or Hayley Carter.  Text @fshsss to the number 81010 to receive class reminders and updates. 

Middle School Sunday School (9:45-10:05am):  Join Steve & Jenks Bailey and Betsy Martin via Zoom for a fun and enriching Sunday school class.  This twenty-minute virtual format was designed based on the feedback that you (our 6th and 7th grade families) offered.  If you need the Zoom link or if you have any questions about this class, please contact:   Steve Bailey, Jenks Bailey and Betsy Martin.

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