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In our world today, stereotyping is still prevalent. We all need to be cognizant of stereotypes when they occur so we can make a conscious choice about how we address them. Some stereotypes are blatant such as, "They all look the same" or they "are all lazy." Most stereotypes surface in more subtle ways ... they may be mixed in with other information, passed off as facts, or justified as "just a joke."  But the fact is, stereotyping is disrespectful and inappropriate. Here are three things to consider when watching out for stereotyping:

Stereotyping typically has three characteristics:

1) They imply that ALL people in the group are the same in some way. 

2) They contain a judgment i.e. "Bottom line, millennials are not dedicated employees"

3) They are fairly inflexible. When someone is encountered that does not fit the stereotype, it's easier to consider that person the "exception to the rule" rather than question the validity of the stereotype. 
When we discover stereotyping in the workplace, it is the job of leaders at all levels to point them out and encourage them to stop this disrespectful practice.


Today's Leadership Solution comes from the book:
Communicating Respectfully in a Diverse World

If you want to be a more effective communicator in today’s diverse workplace, this book is for you. If your organization wants to ensure that employees avoid biased, stereotypical and demeaning communication at work, you will find the guidance you need in Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts

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